sweep *update**


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
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I am having a sweep tomorro !!! Just wondering how many of u have had one and its worked ?
I havnt had one but i wanted to wish you the best of luck and hope it works first time for you,!!!
good luck for tomorrow! Not had one before myself but hope it works for you :pray:
Thanks girls... just hoping it kicks something off now cos i am fed up.. my son was 2 weeks early so had enough now :(
Will let u know how i get on...
I had a sweep at 37+6 and went into labour the next day :) Hope it works for you too!
I had a sweep at term+9 and was already 1-2cm dilated (I didn't realise until she told me), I had Ryan the following day.
I'm back.. She managed to do the sweep .. She could feel the top of her head.. and said she could get a finger tip in to sweep.. So now its just a waiting game to see what happens.. (fingers crossed it works)
It says in my notes something about 50% efaced !! does anyone know what that means ?
I'm back.. She managed to do the sweep .. She could feel the top of her head.. and said she could get a finger tip in to sweep.. So now its just a waiting game to see what happens.. (fingers crossed it works)
It says in my notes something about 50% efaced !! does anyone know what that means ?
how come she did a sweep when you're not 40 weeks yet, i thought they only did that when you're properly due or overdue?
how come she did a sweep when you're not 40 weeks yet, i thought they only did that when you're properly due or overdue?
I think effaced means when your cervix thins out so it's not a tunnel anymore. I hope labour starts soon! :pray: :pray:

Here you go, an explanation of effacing :D ...

What is thinning of the cervix?
The cervix (or neck of the womb) is generally a firm muscular tube, about 2cm across and 2.5cm long. Most of the time, this tube is tightly closed, so the opening can only be felt as a small dimple. During pregnancy, the cervix feels softer than usual, but (in a first pregnancy, at least) remains a closed tube until the last few weeks. (During second or subsequent pregnancies, the cervix is generally looser and often slightly open.) Right at the end of pregnancy, in the days and hours leading up to the onset of labour, the cervix of a woman expecting her first baby starts to thin - or 'efface', to use the medical terminology. This means that the tube of the cervix gradually gets shorter, as the top bit is 'taken up' (another term sometimes used) to become part of the lower segment of the uterus. If you have an internal examination during this time, your midwife or doctor may tell you that your cervix is '50 per cent effaced', 1 cm long, or 'thinning (or '75 per cent effaced', still 'thick', 'not yet effaced' - or whatever). This may happen over the course of several days or several hours, during which time you may (or may not) experience contractions. Eventually the cervix will become fully effaced or completely thinned down to a flat disc covering the baby's head. Only then will it start to dilate, or open. It's a bit like pulling a tight polo-necked pullover over your head - it's much easier to do this if you scrunch the neck into a stretchy circle rather than drag the full length of the ribbed tube down over your head and face. (The process in a second labour is slightly different, in that the cervix generally effaces and starts to open both at the same time.) Once your cervix is fully effaced, true labour is likely to start reasonably soon - but not necessarily so. The exact course of events can vary tremendously from woman to woman. However, in any circumstances, thinning of the cervix is a reliable sign of your body warming up ready for labour
I think effaced means when your cervix thins out so it's not a tunnel anymore. I hope labour starts soon! :pray: :pray:

Here you go, an explanation of effacing :D ...

What is thinning of the cervix?
The cervix (or neck of the womb) is generally a firm muscular tube, about 2cm across and 2.5cm long. Most of the time, this tube is tightly closed, so the opening can only be felt as a small dimple. During pregnancy, the cervix feels softer than usual, but (in a first pregnancy, at least) remains a closed tube until the last few weeks. (During second or subsequent pregnancies, the cervix is generally looser and often slightly open.) Right at the end of pregnancy, in the days and hours leading up to the onset of labour, the cervix of a woman expecting her first baby starts to thin - or 'efface', to use the medical terminology. This means that the tube of the cervix gradually gets shorter, as the top bit is 'taken up' (another term sometimes used) to become part of the lower segment of the uterus. If you have an internal examination during this time, your midwife or doctor may tell you that your cervix is '50 per cent effaced', 1 cm long, or 'thinning (or '75 per cent effaced', still 'thick', 'not yet effaced' - or whatever). This may happen over the course of several days or several hours, during which time you may (or may not) experience contractions. Eventually the cervix will become fully effaced or completely thinned down to a flat disc covering the baby's head. Only then will it start to dilate, or open. It's a bit like pulling a tight polo-necked pullover over your head - it's much easier to do this if you scrunch the neck into a stretchy circle rather than drag the full length of the ribbed tube down over your head and face. (The process in a second labour is slightly different, in that the cervix generally effaces and starts to open both at the same time.) Once your cervix is fully effaced, true labour is likely to start reasonably soon - but not necessarily so. The exact course of events can vary tremendously from woman to woman. However, in any circumstances, thinning of the cervix is a reliable sign of your body warming up ready for labour
muppetmummy .. thanks for the information..

I asked my midwife if she would do one last week and she said it was too early but she would try this week for me if i wanted...
I have got to be on the ball now cos as soon as i go into labour or my waters break i have to go straight in onto the drip of anti-biotics cos of having strep B
muppetmummy .. thanks for the information..

I asked my midwife if she would do one last week and she said it was too early but she would try this week for me if i wanted...
I have got to be on the ball now cos as soon as i go into labour or my waters break i have to go straight in onto the drip of anti-biotics cos of having strep B

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