Sep 1, 2008
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So now officially 1 week overdue and the midwife tried to do a sweep yesterday morning, however my cervix is still closed so unfortunatly it didnt work. she is coming out again on thursday to try again.

it didnt really hurt, just more of a niggly feeling which is bearable, although yesterday i did feel tender down there! so wanted to say to anyone (providing you have a good midwife) its not too bad having a sweep done.

If I am still the same on thursday, i am getting booked into the hospital to be induced on monday 27th Oct.....I really dont want to be induced, but I guess this is gonna happen as I am not holding out much hope of my cervix opening between now and thursday. Does anyone know how quickly the cervix can open and if there is anything I can do to encourage it???

Now worried that the induction may not work and I will need a C section which I have to admit is my worst nightmare!!!


lots of love
:hug: hun hope things start happening soon for you i dont have any advice for opening the cervix just want to reassure you that even though the thought of a section is scary it really isnt that bad i had natural on 1st 2 children and section last time and im booked in for another section this time even though i prefer natural sections are not as bad as i thought just more recovery time afterwards so please try not to worry :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Have sex. lots of rough and kinky sex - it does work even if you have to do it a few nights on the trot! if it dont work well it was fun trying!

Hope this baby comes soon for you hun!
Evening primrose oil.. rub it into cervix (has simular effect as semen) if u cant reach get OH too, or pop a capsual in at night and it'll dissolve.. i've done this for few nights on trot and i've started losing more of my plug, so presume its working...

good luck huni xxx
Awww best of luck with it honey :hug: hope it all happens soon for you x x x x
Hi! I feel for you I really do! I am not ttc but thought I'd browse the forums this morning as it is a year ago I was in tri3 and I am feeling nostalgic! Toby will be one in December.

To be honest, and I know this is isn't what you want to hear, I think baby will come when baby is ready and there is not a things you can do to bring it forward.

Toby was 11 days late, after induction as he was jut not willing to shift. He was my third and I was not expecting to be late at all. I tried EVERYTHING! I tried playing with my nipples all day, sex, walking up hills until it nearly killed me, scrubbing the kitchen floor - seriously everything. I even tried taking semen by moouth as I read it helped if you digested it! (Don't laugh, it must have been a man!)

I regretted doing all those things in the end because it made the last weeks of my labour uncomfortable and knackering.

If I had known then what I know now I would have spent my final weeks laying on the sofa watching tv eating bicuits!!!

Good luck to you, and rest up to prepare for labour. I wish I had!!!


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