Sweep tomorrow

how did you ladies get on with your sweeps? hope they went well and do you feel like they have started things off?

I've got my first sweep tomorrow afternoon, I'll be 5 days over. Have been told good idea to go for a big walk after as well so will try that.

Hope all is well xx
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sweep done, didn't hurt was just uncomfortable - only two fingers up which is good - was imagining the whole hand! lol

Currently I'm 75% thinned but cervix is still pretty much closed. she didn't scoop any goop out but had a little poke and could feel babys head - fingers crossed it gets things going but doesn't sound too likely :P
Hemera - i'm so glad your sweep went well, I bet your glad thats it done & you know what its like ect! Whats the next plan of action, are you booked in for another?

Well....my sweep didn't go! loool - I turned up for my apt, she done all the usual apt things BP, urine, checking stomach ect & didn't mention anything about a sweep :shock: There was me all bloody prepared, baby sitter organised for 2 days ect. Had me worked up for nothing. I didn't want to say....what about the sweep so I just left it, kinda happy not getting it tbh as i'm not over due yet.

BUT - baby is back to back again :roll: when I said...ooh thats a harder labour isn't it she said....aye but this is your 2nd, you've done it before....helpfull!! She said still plenty of time to move ect & she didn't seem too bothered.

So she's booked me in for a weeks time for an "examination & sweep" (hopefully) but she's sure I wont make the apt coz baby will be here before. She also said i'm a bit more engaged than last time, & she wrote in my notes 4/5ths...anyone know what that means.

Anyway thats me. 2 days til due date!!

Hemera - lots of good luck over the next 48 hours - any pains so far?

Midwives measure differently Littlemiss but if my midwife said 4/5th she would be saying that only 1/5th of LO's head is above the pelvis. Get bouncing on your ball and on all fours and your LO should turn.

Glad your sweep went well Hemera, will be looking out for your labour thread very soon :) x x

oh no - I would have mentioned it to her!

I had a very tiny amount of show after - and I mean tiny like slighty tinged brownish CM, which is prop just from being poked, but nothing pain-wise yet. might go shopping later but i'm a bit scared of it starting up and being stranded in a car park with contractions :P
Well Hemera - just popped on to say good luck for today - let us know how you get on!!

I'm a wee bit nervous but not too bad. I'm curious as to what my cervix is like & wether baby is any more engaged.

Going shopping to buy my wee girl a necklace 2moro after the sweep, its for when the baby is born it says....I love you sister. So as long as baby doesn't come before I get the necklace then im ready when he/she is!!


That's so sweet!! How was the sweep for you both??
I was too scared to say anything to her. I wasn't exactly over the moon about getting it done in the first place & to top it off my mum had been on the phone the night before asking what it was & why they were doing it when I wasn't over due.

If baby is back to back then wtf is the bum shape at the top of my bump? Unless its baby's legs crossed over!! Gonna get on the ball anyway, i've been a lazy b*tch the last few days!

Any more signs Hemera? I heard that the sweep can cause light bleeding

na bleeding stopped and no other signs at all - looks like a failed sweep but in fairness she couldn't scoop any goop out because cervix was still closed.

looks like I may have to resort to sex, which I wouldn't mind if i actually felt at all sexy atm

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