Suzies TTC Diary

Hi :wave:
Well, I had my follow up meeting with the nurse on Thursday and it went well. We just went through lots of forms and then she went through the procedure. I'm starting my treatment in January and will have my egg collection on 4th February :cheer: if all goes ok.

I am quite confused though and wondered if anyone can help. My cycle is between 28 and 31 days but usually about 29 therefore my next day 1 will be 18th December, I should then start down regulating on day 21 (7th January). After this part is where I get confused; my next period will be due on the 16th January, but I'm not booked in to have my egg collection until the 4th Feb which is day 20!, but I thought it had to be day 14?? I haven't been told when to start my FSH(?) injections, yet, so am I worrying about nothing? I hope this makes sense.

From what you were saying Chellie about you taking your nasal spray for 4 weeks rather than 2 makes me think that normal cycle goes out the window and they can just manipulate your system to do what they want, is this correct?

Any help anyone could give would be great.
Hi Suzie

Great news about starting.

Once you start on day 21, your normal cycle length etc doesn't matter anymore. When your down regulated, your body is controlled by the drugs and therefore it doesn't matter when you would usually ovulate. Egg collection is usually around 12-14 days after you start the FSH drugs depending on how your body responds. They would normally decide when you start these drugs after your baseline scan just so that they are sure your hormones are switched off.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Michelle x
Hi suzie i have only just seen your diary sorry for not posting :hug:
I cant belive your doctor used the word test tube baby :evil:
That is so wrong thesa doctors are getting worse there bed side manner is now 0/10 we all know what
this is but to say it like that just does not sound nice does it :(

Any way i have been reading through your diary and if you need to know anything about icsi/ivf
you can ask me anything fire away this is my 2nd icsi i had my 1st in june which was bfn
and now am on my 2nd as you already know and going for my base line scan tomorrow
hoping i pass for stage 2 ..

The drugs i am usng our buserelin and menopur i dont use the nasal spray our nurses say
its easy to give the injections incase any of the patients gets a cold they dont feel
that the patient gets the right dosage cause they are blowing there nose etc
but i have spoke to others who have the nasal spray and responded well to it ..
wonder if they give you the spray or the injections :think:

I will be here for you when you start your journey in jan i will have my banners up for you
no AF & BFP :hug:

The journey is exhausting its one rollercoaster ups and downs of tears , excitment, and worry,
will it work wont it work , This scan i have tomorrow i want to go i dont want to go
i am just dreding them say sorry we wil have to cancel the cycle you aint responded

the last time i had a scan i had a cyst a follicel cyst when i ovulated the sac never burst
so when the egg come out it just filled up with more fluid and it was 2mm doctor said it was nothing
to worry about and can vanish when af comes well thats been and gone now so
just hoping this cyst has gone ..

it can cause problems and stop the menopur the 2nd stage of icsi from working
you will have a bleed hun when you are on icsi cause when you first start your treatment
you still have a period .. I can see you have posted on my diary but i have not looked
at that yet so just ask if you want to know anything and i am sure if you read my diary
Things that i am given and had done i will be writing down and that will fill in the gaps
for you so you will know more about what to expect when you start very soon :cheer:

I will follow you diary hun and mail me when ever you want :hug:

Hi thanks for your messages. I will be using the Buserilin for down regulating, it's in the form of a nasal spray. I think I'm taking Menupor too for stimulation but they still haven't confirmed the actual drugs, I chased them today.

I should start down-regulating in just over 4 weeks if my period comes on time (18th December).

Speak to you all soon x
Hi all,
I'm just updating my diary as I haven't really had much to write in the last few weeks. My AF was due on the 18th, but didn't come until the 23rd, so I go to the clinic to have my day 21 scan next Tuesday 13th Jan. Hopefully I should then start down regulating that day :) It's starting to sink in that I could be pregnant by the end of Feb :cheer: I get butterflies when I think of it as I'm pretty scared of the egg collection bit :(

Anyway, it will all be worth it if it works. I'll update on the 13th x
Hi Everyone
Hope you're all doing well? I've had an eventful day today. It is day 22 of my cycle and I went to the clinic to hopefully get the ok to start down-regulating.

I had an internal ultrasound scan and that showed that I had ovulated. Therefore I was sent to the in house pharmacy to collect my perscription for my Buserelin nasal spray. I have to sniff it 6 times a day and each sniff is about 0.1mg of Buserelin, so its about 0.6mg a day.

My baseline scan and stimming injections should start on the 22nd January if my period arrives on time. So the next step is that I call them once I get my period and go in for scan and injection lesson.

I haven't had any side effects so far, but it has only been one day. I do feel really tired though, but I think thats just because its been a long day.

Hi Everyone, it's really quiet in this section lately! Hopefully thats a good thing.

If anyone is reading then I'm on day 6 on my Buserelin nasal spray. I don't have any symptoms really, I just find it a bit harder to wake up in the morning as my sleeping has been very deep. I did have a bad headache on Friday, but it's probably nothing to do with thes spray. I use a VDU all day so its probably to do with that.

I'm actually a lot more relaxed than I thought I would be. I'm a little nervous that for some reason it won't work, but I'll deal with that if it happens.

My AF is due on Wednesday, and I am due to start stimms on Thursday. So at the moment am just hoping AF arrives when it should. I feel like shes on her way, so she won't be long :)

Take Care :wave:
My AF was due yesterday and I was meant to be starting stimms today, but as AF late they said I just need to wait for it to come and then call them to arrange a new time to start stimming. This will put my EC/ET back by about a week as they have certain days of the week that they do them.

Its a bit annoying but I'd rather it all be done properly.

I'll update once I get my AF and start stimming.
I had a scan today as I've been down-regulating for 2 weeks. Scan was fine, it showed I've got a thin lining of my womb and my blood results came back good to, it basically all showed that my system had gone to sleep. I had an injection lesson, as for my stimmulation phase. I need to inject Gonal-F for approx 12 days. I thought I'd be fine but went a bit funny when it came down to it. But to cut a long story short, I did a practice injection in the clinic and then took my first Stimm shot tonight, and did it all by myself which I'm very proud of.........
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey, i've only just seen this part of the forum and i had a read of your diary, i had no idea what was involved in fertility treatment!

Anyway, just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for wishing me luck Suzie & Faith.

Well, I've been injecting myself with Gonal-F since last Tuesday (also still sniffing Buserilin 6 x per day) and had a scan Monday and a scan today.

Mondays scan shows 11 follicles on my left ovary and 7 on my right, with the largest at about 15mm. My uterus lining was at 10.1mm. My blood test was all fine so I just continued at the same dose on Monday and Tuesday as there was no need to lower.

My scan today still showed 11 follicles on my left, but now 8 or 9 on my right. The largest is about 18mm and my uterus lining is 10.9mm. My blood test was fine and so I need to carry on at the same dose for tonight and Thurday.

I go back in on Friday for a scan and blood test and then take my last Gonal F injection on Friday. Saturday I will have trigger shot to tell my follicles to begin to release the eggs and then my egg collection is 8.30am on Monday, with embryo transfer on Wednesday. Then on to the 2WW if all goes to plan.

I'll update soon.

Take care all x
Great news! A good number of follicles too, sounds like it is all going really well.

Good luck for Fridays scan and for EC on Monday. Hope you get a good number of eggs and some lovely embryos :pray:

Michelle x
Well, alot has happened in the last week. Last Friday I had my final scan and it showed I had 27 follicles, with the largest at about 22mm. They said only 7 were at the right maturity to be used, but this would increase by Monday egg collection.

I took my last Goanl-F jab on Friday and then took my trigger shot on Saturday (this is to tell the follicles to get the eggs ready for ovulation).

Sunday was a drug free day and I just took it easy.

Monday, I had my egg collection, which went really smooth and wasn't painful or anything. They collected 21 eggs.

Tuesday morning I got a call to say that 15 of my eggs were mature enough to be injected with my OH's sperm and overnight 11 of them had fertilised. They needed to wait overnight again to see how many started to divide.

Today I went in for my embryo transfer. I chose to have 1 transferred and it was all over in about 10 minutes. By the way, all 11 eggs became embryos and so I was able to have 10 frozen for future cycles.

Well, thats it now. I have to take 75mg of asprin each day and a pessary twice a day to aid implantation. I'm also suffering from mild OHSS due to my ovaries being so big, so have to drink a min of 2 litres of water a day. I'm in agony and can just about walk I'm so bloated.

Anyway, my test date is the 25th February, but they want me to go back on 20th for a check up.

I'll update you when theres any news x
Oooh best of luck hun, i hope you get that much deserved BFP! Everything looks great! We are just finishing off the second round of tests for ICSI and then hopefully we should be able to start soon. :pray: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Oooh hun, must be an exciting and nervous time for you! Will be thinking of you and wishing you all the luck in the world xxxxxx
just read this. wow i didn't realise what it all involved!! good luck on 20th!!! :hug:
Thanks for all you messages :hug:
Feeling a mixture of emotions at the moment as I don't want to get too excited that its worked in case I set myself up for a fall. Anyway, I'll know one way or the other in just over a week :pray:
Well I tested yesterday and it was negative. My AF came today. I'm going to persue a Frozen Embryo Transfer in the next couple of months.

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