Surprised friend..


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Anyone elses friends that they haven't seen in a while got all surprised and had a picture of a face when you tell them your pregnant?:lol:

Well, this happened to me today and i could of laughed her face was so funny!. I was in town with OH in the entertainment exchange (OH lives in that shop!), looking at the DVD's and all of a sudden i hear a voice behind me saying excuse me..I kindly move and when i turn around its a friend i haven't seen for the best part of 3 years, I take her in for a few seconds before she says Hello!, also with her was her little boy who looked very cute!..So we got into that conversation about how her pregnancy had been and how the father was an utter arse for leaving her!:shock:

Then she notices my stomach, i joke and say ive been at the doughnuts since leaving college which makes her giggle, and then when i tell her im 33 weeks pregnant its like her eyes pop out of the sockets:lol:, its like she cant believe it!..She stands there for a while very flabbergasted before saying 'I never thought you'd have kids..You always hated them'..Which is true!, i do hate kids but when their other peoples and their unruly..Mine will learn to behave and not run into people:lol:..I got some valuable advice too, take all the drugs they offer to you!:)

I think i sort of shocked her!, Anyone else shocked their friends with the news of their pregnancy?
Not really a friend more like an ex who is now a friend he was very shocked then he went onto tell me his partner is 2 weeks infront of me so we have stayed in contact and have regular chats about everything mostly baby stuff x x x
Not yet, but I would be tickled if this happened! People are only in the last few weeks actually noticing first time looking that I'm pregnant, before they would kind of double take and stare as if they weren't quite sure!
I used to be a bit of a party animal before I met my husband, so I imagine there would be a few people quite shocked to find I'm pregnant nowadays and totally settled down. I think word travels fast on Facebook etc, so most people probably know already before they've seen me.
I see a girl i used to go to skool with in BHS as she works there today and she just kept staring at the fact i was pregnant, i was like omg

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