surestart maternity grant grrr!

Haha I think that's what it was, they felt the rage coming to them!! Can't believe it took 11 weeks to sort all because of their stupid mistake. Oh well at least its a nice lump sum just in time for babbas arrival, don't need to worry about struggling over Christmas now :)

I can't believe how many people get messed around by them, I suppose it all depends on who gets your claim because some are really actually good at their jobs and some shouldn't be allowed near a computer... Or the public for that matter!!x
hey hun I'm in a joint claim and I think I know whats happened to yours.. I was worried it would do it to mine but my grant went in ok in a week too was well amazed at how quick I got it... Basically who ever signed you off and did you jsa 26 or 6 form (the waver) hasn't passed on the paper work or else its not got to the centre so your classed as not signing on anymore... till they reclaim you and sort it out x
Yeah I think it was something like that that happened, wed only just got our joint claim started then I had to sign off for being 29weeks and it was that same week I applied. Still I appealed after 2 weeks and by then it had all been sorted and it was showing on system what benefits we are claiming but it still took 9 weeks to sort it out and I think it only happened because I emailed them complaining. I have nothing but stress from the job centre they drive me mad, I can't wait until I'm able to work again!! Still, its sorted now so I'm happy :) just hope everyone else that's having problems with them get it sorted soon xx
yeah I felt the same when they kept screwing up our payments to which I had to ring up every two weeks to get it sorted until they sorted out their system to pay us properly x
Its amazing just how much they can screw up for the people that actually deserve and need the money but all the crackheads of the world never seem to have any problems with their claims! Gets me so mad x

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