I'm in hospital as we speak, with gallstones, and the doctors keep laughing when I say I'd take labour over these pains any day. I mean it! I've never experienced anything so painful, and can't wait to get my gallbladder removed.
Labour was painful for me because I was induced, so I didn't get my lovely active birth that I wanted. I laboured for 3 days, and needed gas and air for the last 36 hours of that, as well as morphine and eventually an epidural. But that was only because I ended up getting stuck at 6cm. I think if I'd progressed normally I'd have gotten away with just gas and air and the morphine, but I was exhausted.
The pain for me wasn't bad at all, even though it hurt I didn't mind it much. My contractions became too close together to get any relief though, so as long as you manage to get a break in between contractions the pain is totally manageable.
Mind over matter, with pain relief as backup. Don't be ashamed to ask for relief, there's no point making it more stressful than it has to be.
I'd have loved to have got my au naturale active/water birth, but it didn't go to plan and ended up with emergency c-section. I still have fond memories of my labour and I still tell people the worst part of my labour was getting the cannula in my wrist!!!
You'll be fine, you sound like you've got your head screwed on and have the right attitude towards labour. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unbearable, you'll have access to meds if you need them, and if you don't need them then just trust your body xx