Such a shame labour is a feared thing


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I was thinking yesterday about how painful labour is going to be and stuff, and really it shouldn't be perceived as this!

I think hospitals have contributed to the fact that child birth has to be a medical event, if it wasn't I don't think it would be so overwhelming and "painful".

Not having experienced it myself it's hard for me to be accurate, but I'm guessing the pain isn't like stabbing and stuff, if it's period pains it's a pain you can work with and trust right? Like when your on your period it's painful because your body is expelling stuff that needs to come out. Kind of like a baby, it's more muscular isn't it? Like your body working really hard to get a massive thing out. I hate that it's scary because it's amazing really, and I'm sure if you stay in tune with yourself you'll be ok?

If it was like stabbing pains that were unbearable and you couldn't breathe through them then I'd get why it's horrible and traumatic, but I don't think it's going to be like that.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I understand it's gonna hurt and be tiresome but not the sort of pain that your dying in a pool of blood pain? I just am trying not to be scared. In a week I'll think differently lol. X
It's different for everyone, but you're right. even though I knew labour was going to hurt, I soooo looked forward to it. I's a wonderful feeling, its like you have pain then as you remember what it's for you can breath and 'smile' through it.
I'd go through it all again tomorrow for sure.

with my 1st i was so scared, i was 2 weeks late and in hospital 4 days before they used the drip to get me going and that lack of control scared me.

Lots of people say the pain was bearable and not as bad as they thought (i'm not one of those lolol)

you have an open mind and a positive outlook on the whole thing and that is what affects your whole labour experience i think xx
You will be fine! I think every new mum to be feels like this! Obviously labour is different for each individual buy I really focused on staying calm. I was on a ward and got to 7cm within a few hours and had no pain relief. Emily was round the back so I was just having back pains. Admittedly when a contraction comes you can't talk through it but hand on heart for me it wasn't bad at all :) good luck hun xxx
Lexi darling you are in the most perfect frame of mind. Keep it that way.

Its well documented that fear=tension=pain (FTP syndrome). If you can keep in tune with your birthing body and not be fearful then you'll cope just fine.

I did it for 54 hours and I enjoyed it. I really did. The pain was intense but with each contraction I knew my baby was closer and you just need to focus on that.

Stay positive, believe in yourself xxx
:hug: no hun, its not stabbing pains. youre right its not really a pain where you can point to it in one particular place. When my OH asked what it was like the best way I could describe it to him is like when youve got diarrhea (sorry!!) and youre about to go and it kind of cramps your abdomen. But I was induced and Ive been told by loads of people that contractions feel totally different. Also I was contracting when my cervix wasnt ready to open at all so probably felt more like a 'pain' cos it was pushing against my cervix and not working with it like when your body is ready for labour. Some women dont really feel pain with the early contractions, just tightenings. Do you get BHs?
Labour does really hurt but it's a pain you can deal with time and time again!! Look at those mums with 5+ children!! As long as you stay calm, it helps your body relax so it's easier!! After charley I said no more but I could def do labour again!! I find it so relaxing!!
Your be fine hun x x
Flexi you have such a positive attitude towards the birth and you will be absolutely brilliant. I was the same with DD and I had a very good labour. I read up on labour so much before hand that I wasn't scared of the pain. And your right it's the sort of pain you can understand, i mean your giving birth!

Before i had DD I told ppl i wanted a natural birth and they would sort of laugh and say "yeah that's what I thought, just wait til your in labour" and I remember thinking but I know I can do it. So I managed on just gas & air and enjoyed telling them when they asked! So even though you haven't done it yet, your preparing your mind for it already and that's the important part x
Lex you know how scared I was and I would honestly do it again tomorrow (if I didn't have to suffer for 9months first lol). Contractions are bareable (to me it felt like upset stomach kind of pains too!) and each ones over before you know it then you can relax again! For me the most painful thing was how tired I got, I was so exhausted I could barely move and that affected my state of mind, totally forgot how to stay calm and relaxed so I really do advise you to get lots of rest and not stay up for 3days before like I did lol
I had an epidural right near the end so can't really comment on the actual birth pain cos I didn't have any! Still felt him coming out and stuff but it wasn't painful. Its truely an amazing experience chick and we all know you'll do brilliantly, just go with the flow and don't have any expectations of what it will feel like cos you won't know until you're there!! X
I love labour and most ppl think im mad but i really do....its the most painful thing ul ever do but also the most rewarding thing aswel...its such a positive pain that is forgotten so quickly. I cant wait for my twinges to become pains and the anticipation that comes with it is undescribable. Stay in a positive mind and im sure it will ba a positive experience for u aswel xxxx
As crazy as it sounds I look forward to doing it again .
its the most painful thing ul ever do but also the most rewarding thing aswel...its such a positive pain that is forgotten

not for me, broken ankle with a torn ligament was worse... and migranes come to think of it!
giving birth should be 1 of the most magical moments of your life because it is fantastic not much compares to giving birth i loved every one of mine and im looking forward to this 1
Having my tonsils out and toothache was worse. Must be because that pain is fresh in my mind whereas labour I can't really remember the pain.
I agree! I had toothache few weeks before I have birth and I'd much rather give birth again than have that pain!
My mum always tells me that she would give birth time and time again over toothache!!! Which pleases me as earlier in the year I managed to get through the most horrible toothache from an exposed nerve - I got through it without any painkillers (a first for me normally I love a codeine ) so if more of you say toothache is worse then I'm gonna breathe through it I just know I will :)
This is why I try not to make a huge fuss about the pain when I have IBS episodes lol!!

I am also very grateful for my time as a Student MW, I have been at around 20 different deliveries and really feel that it was a brilliant way of getting all the 'unknown' fears out of my mind. Obviously there's not many other ways to observe so many deliveries first hand! But I would think YouTube has a few next best options....

Lexi, you are a brilliant strong woman and I'm sure given your line of work you'll be more than clued up about your body's reaction etc.

You'll be amazing!!!

agreed, lexi youre going to be awesome :yay:

I watched quite a lot of youtube deliveries when I was pregnant, ranging from highly medicalised ones (usually in spanish for some reason?) and water/hypnobirths with very low intervention. Show anyone those 2 clips and I doubt they would choose the intervention medicalised route!
agreed, lexi youre going to be awesome :yay:

I watched quite a lot of youtube deliveries when I was pregnant, ranging from highly medicalised ones (usually in spanish for some reason?) and water/hypnobirths with very low intervention. Show anyone those 2 clips and I doubt they would choose the intervention medicalised route!

Yeah you have to admire those women who give birth quietly in their own bath tub!! (usually americans)
what an amazing response guys, i can honestly say youve all made my day. i feel so positive about it even more so now reading all of your responses, and thats a huge huge help to me so thank each and every one of you for your input, im so looking forward to the experience! and i hope i achieve it all soon. i really cannot wait for it to happen, and have kind of accepted that if i go too overdue i will need help but i think its a good thing, and i guess i will just have to deal with it when the time comes. im looking forward to my sweep on wednesday as i guess this might start things for me, even if it doesnt ill hopefully get through the next week somehow! haha. the strangest thing is that people do go back for more and do it time and time again, so i guess its not as bad as it can be persieved. really, a massive thanks xx
Lol I've just seen that I wrote I find it relaxing! I meant exciting! Lol having a blonde moment there!!

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