Stupid pregnancy brain


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Does anyone else keep forgetting things?

I keep walking into rooms or going to say something to someone and completely forget, my head goes blank and I can't think of 'anything!'

It's really freaking me out and doing my head in :wall:
I was like this before I got pregnant, can you imagine what I'm like now?????
I know its horrible isnt it, I just feel like part of my brain is missing!!!
well they do say pregnancy makes your brain shrink! and this is your 2nd so..... :rotfl:
Yes yes yes I am getting this all the time so hun, you arent alone!! Its horrible though, I feel like a doddery opld woman thats losing her marbles, I forget stuff all the time, even when the sentence has started to come out of my mouth, I lose it mid flow :wall:
Yep... I have become a bit of a tit at work, not good when you are a senior manager. I am forgetting works, like the retrieval of words is harder.

Also coupled with that whenever I go upstairs I get breathless, so not remembering words and not breathing lol...classy
Were just all a bunch of nuts :lol:

I went in the dentist for my appointment the other day and I said appointment for 10 o clock...My appointment was for 2 o clock and it was about ten to...I said no it's not :wall: :oops: :oops: so embarresed!!!
KikoDinoGirl said:
Yep... I have become a bit of a tit at work, not good when you are a senior manager. I am forgetting works, like the retrieval of words is harder.

Also coupled with that whenever I go upstairs I get breathless, so not remembering words and not breathing lol...classy

I think this pretty much sums me up! I feel like I am so unhealthy at the moment I get out of breath so often
I feel like such an idiot at times! I go to say something and just stop because I can't remember what I was talking about in the first place! I go out and forget things I need to take with me! I've even forgotten how to do simple stuff round the house...apparently it gets better after the birth and you get brainier! :wink: xxx
im starting to fall over alot.
im quite clumsy so i was always on my butt before but now its even worse.
im falling up aswell as down the stairs :p
My memory is so so so bad at the moment, particulary at work, and I feel terrible because forgetting simple things at work makes me look totally incompetant!! Damn preggo brain! :evil:
I was at my OHs Mums house earlier today.. we only popped over for a cup of tea.. I locked the car, went inside, sat down, had tea, and left.. and couldnt find my keys. I hunted about for ages trying to find my keys. The only room I was in was the living room which is right by the front door.
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georgie1991 said:
im starting to fall over alot.
im quite clumsy so i was always on my butt before but now its even worse.
im falling up aswell as down the stairs :p

I'm falling over too. It's like my brain has gone to complete sawdust and can't even coordinate walking! I was out walking the dogs on Friday and i went flying down a muddy hill. I was absolutely coated in mud. It went up the sleeves of my jacket and the legs of my trousers and i looked ridiculous walking back to the car!
I booked today off work to go for a family dentist appointment (all 4 of us), and thought I'd also pop and see the kid's teacher when I pick them up, plus save on a days after school fees.
Anyway, we all got to the dentist for 9am, and she couldn't find our names on the system for today. Our appointment was supposed to be Wednesday! Oops!
I need to write everything down, otherwise I'm in danger of dropping my kids off to school on a saturday, or forgetting to go to work or something! :lol:

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