Anyone turning stupid?????


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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I have not had many symptoms yet, I seem to be ok, no morning sickness etc...

but i seem to be doing really stupid things!

i nearly drove into a car this morning, I am forgetting things, my head is so fuzzy!! i am not too tired, just feel stupid!!

Anyone else feel the same?
Ya! sometimes i forget that i cant move things, though i move!
I dont want to move anything, even if its a light thing, box, whatever.. as for driving, i am still driving but slowly.

I dont have symptoms as well... not yet...!
Take it easy!
Yeah... sorry to break it to you- it gets a lot worse after the baby is born :wall:
I keep bumping into things!!!
Yeah im the same hun, keep going to get things out of the oven with no cloth, just my bare hands. :roll:
With my last pregnancy i went to put the washing in the oven lol
Im not turning, I've definitely turned already!!

My memory is sooo bad, really forgetful & forgetting really simple things like I'll be in the middle of preparing tea & need something from the fridge, ask hubby to pass it & I really cant remember what the name of the thing is that I need!!! Aggrh, annoying.

I also left my bag at the cash desk in Debenhams, which is not like me.
ahh, so thats why i have been nearly hitting everything in sight when im driving for the past few weeks!!! lol! thought i was being stupid, but its obviously my hormones playing games with me!!!

my boobs are soo sore.... and they have started to grow already :cry: im a 34DD now, and i hope they dont get much bigger!!!

I tried to plug my satsumas into the in-car charger this morning (someone asked me if I was therefore on Orange :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: )
I am so glad there are others like me out there!lol

I cannot remember being like this when I had DS.

Today I had a driving lesson, and would have ignored some red lights...Stood up on the trian and nearly fell over, even though it was going dead slow!

I also cannot remember things...I try...but I can't.

This is just great!lol
Yeah I'm the same!

I am useless at the moment - keep walking into a room wanting to ask someone something and forgetting! And I put things down at school and forget where I put them

Its so stupid - I'm not used to be like this at all
I was like this before i got pregnant so i don't see any change! :doh:
love your replies.. :rotfl: :rotfl: i remember all those stupid moments when i was pregnant! i think my worst was when i called the insurance company and a garage guy to come out and fix my car window cause i thought someone had tried to break into my car and stole the window.. when the guy turned up he gave me the most annoying look and said "the window is just down"... how stupid did i feel when i had to call the insuarnce company back to say "sorry my window hasn't been stollen" :oops: :oops: ... I've done the usual things too like lock husband in house and take 2 sets of keys to work...

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