stuff to buy


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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OH is meeting me at a retail park after work so that he can buy bits n bobs for the baby. Ive bought ALL the big things so Im putting my foot down and getting him to buy stuff. This may be the first an last time he opens his wallet so I need ideas. We need to get stuff like non bio washing powder, nappy rash cream, baby calpol, that typeof stuff.

any suggestions?!
maternity towels, cotton wool, nipple pads, nipple cream, baby on board sign for car, room thermometer... these are probably the more random bitsleft from my list :D have fun x
:yay: thankyou! So far Ive got;
7 more muslin cloths, nappy rash cream, wash cloths, nasosal drops, baby calpol, non-bio detergent, sun hat, car window shade, nappy soak, maternity pads, gripe water, aqueous cream, nappy sacks, nappy bin, nipple cream.

Think that should keep me going for the beginning bit...
^^^^ really? I never had one for DD and never needed one
what about top and tail bowl, do they still sell them nowadays (been a while for me!)
We found our in the loft the other day so can use the same one for all of our kids!

I have always ended up staying in for a week with all of my kids,(always seem to need SCBU for few days) so always make sure my bag is packed with mini toothpaste and travel toothbrush, flannel, small shampoo etc, spare camera batteries, spare digital camera card , list of telephone numbers, details for getting more phone credit etc, loose change for the carpark (when OH forgets) and change for the trolley or shop in hosp, (sorry bit practical but like to have all, and like to pack small!)
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