Struggling with maintaining blood glucose levels


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I was only told I had gestational diabetes last week and I'm already struggling!
I've been doing my finger prick blood glucose tests after every meal like the diabetes nurse told me to, problem is, sometimes it's high (10.4) and sometimes low (5.4).

For example, yesterday I had cereal for breakfast and got a 5.4 reading, a wholemeal roll and salad for lunch and got 6.6, and chicken stir-fry for dinner and I was back down to 5.4.

Today, I had the SAME cereal as yesterday for breakfast and my reading is 10.6. Argh! :wall2:

I was told to aim to keep my levels under 7.9, and to be honest, they're all over the place. Sometimes they'll just shoot up and I can't work out why. I've cut out sugar completely and cut back on carbs. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I really don't want to end up on insulin :( I'm seeing the specialist today so perhaps she can tell me where I'm going wrong, but if anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it!
Could it be that done products contain sugar naturally without you realising? Like fruit etc ? My dads diabetic and thought he was being healthy by eating fruit etc when infact it was not hood for him ! X
Thats the thing, I haven't been eating fruit because I know it can send your levels up! It's so confusing, I never know what to eat :(
i cant help at all hun but wanted to say hope you get it all works out. sounds like a right confusing pickle. xxx
I was diagnosed last week too chick but I had it in my prev pregnancy. It sounds silly but I find if I wash my hands then do somthing as simple as give my kids some grapes before testing I get a high reading?!? Also mine varied a bit but as you said along as it's below 6 before meals and below 8 after you should be ok xxxxxxx

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