Got a call from my m/w this morning, my bloods from yesterday had high glucose so she said she would arrange a gtt.
i then got a call from the diabetes nurse at the hossy and she asked me to go to the clinic this afternoon as my blood sugar was so high they would bypass the gtt and treat me for diabetes now.
So I am now testing my sugar level throughout the day, and I am also having to inject insulin before every meal
Also have to record all my results.
Good news is that I had a scan to check Theo's growth and he is just fine, right on the middle scale line thingy
I get another scan in 4 weeks too, so its isnt all bad
With regular monitoring and hopefully getting the sugar levels down all should be well
I feel a bit overwhelmed with it all tbh, I need to get my head round it all.
i then got a call from the diabetes nurse at the hossy and she asked me to go to the clinic this afternoon as my blood sugar was so high they would bypass the gtt and treat me for diabetes now.
So I am now testing my sugar level throughout the day, and I am also having to inject insulin before every meal

Good news is that I had a scan to check Theo's growth and he is just fine, right on the middle scale line thingy

I get another scan in 4 weeks too, so its isnt all bad

I feel a bit overwhelmed with it all tbh, I need to get my head round it all.