Glucose tolerance blood test


Active Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I am having a blood test tomorrow and the main thing they are testing is Glucose tolerance (O'Sullivans test). Dont know whether to cut all chocky out today or really go for it :lol: I dont think I could last the rest of my pregnancy without chocolate :pray:
Anyone else had this test?
Im having a GTT on tuesday. not looking forward to the not eating part!! im gonna feel sooooo sick!! think a mcdonalds will be in order for afterwards!!
Ive got mine in 3 weeks....I plan Maccy D's for afterwards too :lol:
Anyone mind me asking why you're having the tests? What was it about you that made the midwife think you needed a test?
I have mine on Tuesday. The test is done based on risk, ie if you are overweight or if there is any history of diabetes in your family. In my case both of these apply.

I'm now cacking it, because I've been really really thirsty the last few days, and I googled 'thirst in pregnancy' and found out it's a symptom of GD.
I've had two GTT test during my pregnancy (high BMI), they were no problem and both were negative...I did hold off on eating sweeties before though :)

I am wondering whether I have GD now....I made another post about it, so I wont bore you here.
i had one at 28 weeks.. and i was starved afterwards! so went to the hospital shop on the way out, got loads of food and stuffed myself silly haha
Im gonna stuff myself all day today cos as of 10pm tonight no food for me!!!! :( im gonna feel sooooooo sick in the morning!! think im gonna need to lock my fridge so i remeber not to eat!! :|

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