Glucose Test


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Gosh I'm so nervous this morning, I'm going to get showered/dressed now then toddle up the hospital for this darn glucose test. I'm seeing the midwife for my 28 week check up at 1.40pm and all I do before these appointments is worry. I don't know why I'm just always so uptight about them (strangely enough my blood pressure always remains low when they take it!!) but I just hate the appointments for some unknown reason, I wish little Pudding was here already so I could take better care of him, i hate them prodding around and causing me concern, constant tests, urine, BP, bloods etc....and it will be worse now, as after today I have to see her FORTNIGHTLY instead of MONTHLY....I don't know why I hate them (suppose incase anything is wrong?) but must be done, so report back after the glucose test...lovely eh? Lucozade before 9am!!!!!!! I'm going to come home to todays nice cup of raspberry leaf tea!!
Good luck Nicola - I can relate as I get really nervous too but for a different reason - I keep thinking they are going to tell me it's all been an elaborate hoax and that there's no baby in there! Silly me!

Let us know how you get on - thinking of you.


Valentine xxx
Thanks well that's the glucose test done. Evidently if I fail it then I'll have to go back next week having fasted from 10pm the previous evening and stay in for 2-3 hours being tested frequently following having nothing to eat, then some glucose solution etc....OMG totally dreading that. Imagine, pregnant and unable to eat!! What a nightmare. Praying all's ok with today's bloods.

Off to see the midwife at 1.40pm, so a few hours relaxing before I start getting myself worked up about that.

Valentine: I know what you mean if I don't feel constant kicks or something I worry that he's not there anymore and can get myself in a real state over it, I just really, REALLY wish my little boy was here already, I feel I could just look after him sooooooo much better if he were here instead of inside me!! Roll on EDD!!!!!
Good luck with your check up Nicola.

I totaly sympathise with you feel about all the appointments and checking up. I know it's for our (and the baby's) own good but I am also fed up with having to go to the doctors and hospital. :(
Thanks ladies...I'm just home. Midwife appointment went swimmingly well, the heartbeat was found instantly and everytime she touched my tummy Pudding kicked her back...everso funny!! Heartbeat found straight away, urine was clear and my blood pressure hasn't budged. Seeing her again on the 12th June, she seems to have become my assigned midwife which I'm pleased about (2 operate in the village) and I do much prefer this one and told her today it was nice to finally be seeing someone I've seen before because my first half dozen appointments were all with different staff!! She checked for my glucose results just on a whim they might have been uploaded since my test at 9.30am but they weren't there. Seemingly if I hear nothing it's all clear, if they want me re-tested the hospital write to me. Feeling better now I've been and better because I'm eating carrot cake!!!
Should have said I'm also measuring perfectly at 27+6 which is what I am today so that's great news too as I was told I might be likely to balloon since I'm 5"10 and DH is 6"2 (so he says, I'd have said more 6"3 or 6"4) but two tall parents anyway!!
Glad to read everything went well with your check up Nicola. :) It's reassuring to see the same person isn't it?

You talking of carrot cake has got me really fancying some. :D Just as well we are going shopping tonight I think I might just have to add that to the list! LOL :lol:

Glad all went well for you today hun :hug:
Its normal to worry i think :)
mm Carrot cake yum

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