Struggling with BF, Advice please? *UPDATED PG3*


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Im really struggling with breastfeeding, Ellie isnt sucking well at all.

When she was born she swallowed loads of fluid so has been really mucusy and hasnt wanted to feed really, shes also really struggling with sucking... I was trying to BF her at hospital but she just wasnt latching on properly and not sucking my nipples far enough into her mouth so shes made a big mess of my nipples so now im struggling more.

We ended up putting her on formula at hospital cos she was starving and I felt really bad not feeding her, shes still struggling with sucking the teat but improving... shes still not taking the amount she shud be but its improving slowly.

Each feed im trying her with my breast to see if she will latch on, also expressing a bit first to bring it through for her (which doesnt seem to be much cos they are so cracked and blistered)... Shes latching on but then gets lazy and lets it slip and isnt taking it back far enough, I just cant seem to get her to stay latched on properly.

I just dont know what way to go about things, do i carry on trying to breastfeed & topping up with formula? im on day 3 and milk to come through yet. Will her sucking improve & has this happened to anyone else? So confused... sorry if all thats a bit of a blurb in a mad rush, if ive missed anything out then let me know. Could really do with some advice.
Hiya hun.

The first few days they don't really feed that well in my experience anyway, and the little they get can really help.

It sounds like you need a little bit of help with positioning, can you get to baby clinic or do you have a HV coming round soon?

Personally I wouldn't give formula if you want to establish BFing as she will get confused between the teat and your nipple, which may make things worse latch wise. Plus also she may get lazy on the breast as bottlefeeding is easier for them.

Have you got a decent nipple cream like camilosan? That worked wonders for me, and believe me the cracks and soreness DO get better and it's something a lot of women get. Your nipples will toughen up a bit.

I know it may not be exactly what you want to hear but I believe just persevering with her may be what you need, she will need to get the hang of it, you will both learn together.

Good luck

Basically what Urchin said :hug: (and Midna lol)

Feeding is really (I mean REALLY) hard at first so it is not you and is perfectly normal.
My DD was really mucassy when she was born as well, in fact around day 2 I think she was massively sick and fed alittle better after that.

Call your m/w and get them to come and help. Rub some of your expressed milk into your nipples for the time being and go top-less,it will help a little.

Basically keep trying :hug: when you see her slip off the nipple, slide your little finger into her mouth to break the suction and re-latch her on rather than suffer the agony of her sucking the end of your nipple.

She is still learning hun, and when your milk comes through it will be easier for her so she's probably be a bit more enthusiastic.
I hope you manage to get it sorted cos it really is worth it. I've bottlefed and am currently breastfeeding and the latter wins hands down! It's just sooo much easier.

Don't beat yourself up about it though. You are trying and that's the best you can do :hug: Ask your midwife for help.

Oh and nipple soreness does get better - trust me! Get some Lansinoh and also try rubbing breastmilk into your nipples.

Good luck flower! :hug:
just wanted to add vasaline is just as good as nip creams.. id try her at the breast again now n if she doesnt latch phone mw for support.. let them latch her on keep pumping to stimulate milk..tmro it should come in...xx gl
She is still tired from the birth i expect....wait for your milk to come through i'm sure she'll be more interested her up with formula if it makes you feel better, but she sounds like she's just getting her bearings.
:hug: you'd be surprised how much ther is in a tiny amount of Breast milk and it has everything she needs. :hug:
Hey h-c,

Firstly, I hadn't seen your news - congratulations! I'm so happy for you on the birth of baby Ellie.

As above, I would try and persevere chick - I know its so so painful - I would be crying at times but you just have to battle through. I didn't give formula, but as far as I understand it, you'd be better not to at this early stage as she may get confused and lazy at the breast.

You're not alone hon. It sounds like you need some positioning and latching on help in person so can you ask your midwife when she comes to visit to help? My midwife took us both in hand - shovelled us into a really funny feeling position and ever since then (about day 6 or 7 I think), we've been going strong with no pain (apart from teeth buds now) since!

I've also come up with a few other suggestions that might help you both.

I thought that you could maybe phone the NCT Breastfeeding helpline or La Leche League for support, advice and help? Here are the numbers:-

NCT Breastfeeding helpline 0870 444 8708
La Leche League 0845 120 2918.

Good luck princess - let us know how you're getting on. I'm thinking of you.

Valentine Xxx
The main problem is that she just falls asleep soon as i put her near my boob (also does this with bottle) and doesnt open her mouth wide enough to get nipple right in there. I change her bum, she screams the place down but soon as it comes to food she just falls asleep & thats it no waking her lol.

I do think she's still tired from the birth as shes sleeping alot but its distressing me that shes not feeding at all & not getting what she needs. When i express im hardly getting anything at all, i mean only a few drops.

They did try to keep me in at the hospital but i'd had enough after staying 4 nights and told them i was gunna bottle feed cos i'd had enough, was really worked up and just needed to be at home with hubbys support.

Im worried that if i stop with bottle that she wont getting anything at all... shes aleep again now and hasnt had anthing since 11 this morning when she had some forumula.... wud it be better to cupfeed her some forumula instead of using bottle? Shud i carry on expressing to bring my milk in even tho shes not feeding from them, wil it make it easier for her when my milk does come in?
I think the best thing for you to do is try to get the positioning right, you should be due a MW home visit so they can help you with this.
The best piece of advice I got to get a good latch was to imagine the nipple & the babies mouth as 2 piece of velcro, the bottom of the areola should attach to the babies mouth with the nipple facing up to the roof of her mouth, not towards the back.
Definitely persvere try to latch her on with EVERY feed, and top up with formula if you really need sleep. Ideally, you shouldn't give her any formula as you need to get your milk established, and also she will get confused between the nipple and the teat.
Call the support numbers that V has put down, and don't beat yourself up about anything hun, you are doing a sterling job!!!
You will only be able to get a few drops at the mo as your milk hasn't come in and you only produce tiny amounts of colostrum which is packed with the good stuff. I was worried Ella wasn't getting very much when she was born so I expressed some colostrum and dripped it into her mouth from a teaspoon. I barely got enough for that teaspoon but she was happy!

I'd avoid the teats as she'll get confused with feeding between them and your nipple.

In the first few days they really don't need a lot, a few drops of colostrum is all they need until your milk comes in. But it's important that she feeds regularly even if it is only a few drops of colustrum to keep her blood sugar up.

If you want to breastfeed but are unable to get her latched on at the moment then you need to keep expressing regularly, every 2-3 hours, to make sure that your milk comes in.

Did you have any drugs when you gave birth? That can make them sleepy for a while afterwards. Is she jaundiced?

I really think you need to get some latching advice from a professional aswell hon :hug:
What everyone else has said, but yes she could be sleepy from the drugs you had in labour, but whilst she's sleeping and not crying for food, that's also a sign she's OK. Phone your MW/HV if you're concerned, get her to come out and check her over, put your mind at ease.
Just wanted to pass on some hugs too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

this may be helpful; ... beginners/
u need to strip her off to nappy jo.. and take ur top off get her skin to skin as much as possible.. u can put a blanket over the 2 of u.. but u will keep her warm..she should feed better.. u need to pinch ur nipple in a scissor hold between ur fingers in push all of the nip and some aereola in her mouth.. hold her right into ur breast.. remove ur fingers when she has had a few sucks.. and if ur breast is over her nose push ur finger in there to make a gap for her to breath... have u tried laying down to feed'?

just thought.. i aint shy.. so i decided it might help if i take a pic of the nipple squeeze.. so bugger it.. here u go jo.. hope this helps? lol

sorry photobucet deleted them... take a look at video instead ... CT1044.flv
*edit to say* midna.. no wanking!
My only advic would be is too wake her every 3 hours and try to get her a bit of milk inside her. She will get into the habit quickyl and will sleep a bit better for you though this doesnt happen staright away.
Right ive just tried her on my nipples with no luck, need help latching her so gunna ask my mum to help me later and if not then ring NCT and ask them for some advice on latching her.

Ive just expressed and got a whopping 20ml :D so ive cupfed her 17ml of that & then gunna put rest in fridge for later on, yey really pleased i dont need to give her formula!

So when will she be ready for next feed, shud i just wait til she wakes for one or wake her up? Hard to tell with boobie milk isnt it!Thanks for all advice by the way, I think once we both suss out how to latch her and my milk comes through ill be fine but im just mainly worried about her not getting enough food at mo to be honest.

As far as drugs etc I did have a long labour/birth so did have alot of drugs, midwife said she'll still be recovering from that so next few days we shud see an improvement :)
Thanks lisa for pics hehe yeah thats what ive been trying to do I think.. lol

Ive tried lots of positions, lying down with her next to me etc but still a bit trial and error at moment.
Nice one Lisa!

Jo, I never ever woke mine for a feed, they won't starve themselves, as the others said babies are generally very very sleepy for the first fortnight, it's nothing to worry about and it's so hard to tell how much they get with BFing but it's always enough for them so try not to worry.

It sounds like you're doing great BTW, everyone finds first time BFing a struggle I think, but the initial battle is sooo worth it later :D
Hiya, HC,

just to ask, how long post birth are you now? Your milk should come in within the first 3-4 days. Has it come in yet?

She's 3 days old this evening so not sure whether u would class that as day 3 or what?

Yeah thanks ladies, i've managed to suss latching her on one side now I think and she's fed for bout 30mins, I kept taking her off to check she was on right as thats what made my nips sore in first place and she's done really well, she fell asleep so i've put her down. Im so pleased :D I think since reading the replies on this thread it made me realise that I need to relax and stick at it... I kinda felt like I was the only one who has probs and everyone else finds it easy but really I know thats not the case.

Will keep you's updated on how we get on, im sure ill be back with more questions soon!!
cool, glad things r looking up. well done for sticking at it.

my nipples were very sore until my milk came in. babies suck a lot harder to get the colostrum.

once the milk is in it's a lot easier for them and your nipples should heal.

just to warn you, i found it v.scary when my milk came in. was like pancakes to pamela anderson overnight!! ad the feeling was just weird, felt a bit panicky. but they do settle down after a few days.


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