aw jo
i'm so proud of you, you're doing REALLY well so give yourself a big pat on the back and some choccies as a reward
You're doing everything ok, it'll get better once your milk comes in and you'll find it a lot easier, just stay away from the formula if you can, babies won't starve.
My first i was in hospital 5 days due to not being able to get her to latch on properly, i didn't wake her either, sometimes she went 6 hours in between feeds but when she woke i knew she was awake and hungry. in the end i just told them i wanted to go home as i thought i'd be more relaxed. She did feed better from one side and not the other so in the end i gave her most of the feeds from the one side she liked best, ok there was a 'slight' difference in boob size after but nothing really noticeable and when i fed the next one i used the opposite side to what Kirsty had used to try and even them out a bit
My first i fed for about 4/6 months and was proud i'd perseveered, with it. my next one i went onto formula after about 6 wks as i just couldn't feed him enough, he was always feeding/crying, one night i gave him a bottle, he drank about 7oz (at 6 wks old) and slept thru the night, well that was enough to pursuade me and i gave up the BF, i did feel a bit like i'd let myself and him down but knew i just wasn't feeding hm enough and had given him the best i could.
With Ben, my last one, well to be honest he took it well from both sides right from day one, i fed him till he was about 18 months
NEVER in my life did i think i would feed a baby that long but it was so rewarding, the closenes, easiness etc i never thought i'd get him weened off it, it was only when i went in for my ectopic i managed to ween him. I still miss it now.
What i guess i'm trying to say is EVERYONE has trouble with their first at BF'ing, if they say otherwise i reckon they're lying or one hell of a lucky bugger.
Your nips will get sore, each and every child you feed will make them sore but it doesn't last, it'll make you feel sooooooo much like giving up as it can bring tears to your eyes, after each feed rub some BM onto them and let them dry naturally, its the most natural thing for them and will work wonders.
Drink plenty of fluid, eat well and don't get too over tired, these are the main things that will help your supply, also you can take fenugreek capsules to boost your supply, i did but wait till your milk supply is i properly b4 doing this, you'll know you're taking the right amount when your sweat starts to smell like maple syrup
i can't remember thae actual dose but you can google it.
Try not to over express, especially at the mo or you'll really know it when you milk comes in, i've done it, pumped and pumped cause nothing was coming out but boy did i pay for it after a day or two, its not the amoput you get out its the amount of pumping, even if baby sucks without getting milk it builds the supply, you'll e surprised when you ge it established how your baby cab fluctauate your milk supply when they are on a grwoth spurt etc.
Sorry for the long post
i get carried away sometimes
keep up the good work, we're all here for you if you need us