Breast feeding advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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We are on day 5 now of feeding and apart from my boobs hurting and my nipples feeling like they want to drop off i think its going well.

Sophie was quite small at birth 5lb 7.5oz and i feel like there is a huge pressure on me now to get some weight on her which is not helping things. She has already lost a little weight and is due another weigh later today.

Ive been feeding her on demand and trying not to let her go longer than 3 hours without feeding but how long is a good feed. Im trying to get her to go for at least 1/2 hour at a time but sometimes she wont.

Also she seems to live on the end of my nipples has a few sucks falls alseep on me, she wont take anymore food. I move her she wakes up and wants feeding again for another 5 mins. I think this is more a comfort thing but my nipples are so sore i cant take her just sucking for the sake of it.

How long do you think its ok to leave her if shes alsleep at night without feeding, ive been waking her up for feeds but then it takes me at least a few hours to feed her and get her back off to sleep in her moses basket and not on my boob.

Any advice would be great.
Firstly have a huge hug - it'snot easy no matter what :hug:
G-man was huge and it's no easier as he needs a lot from meto maintain his weight.
TBH there isn't really a "time" that it should take them - my DD used to feed for like half a hour whereas DS is done in 15 mins max and then just chews on my nipples.
It will get easier - my nipples are used to it now and I just get that toe curling pain for the first few sucks and then I let him do what he wants (apart from when he bites).

Stick with it - you are doing fab - I bet she will have puton a fair bit of weight now - most babies lose a bit of their birth weight and then pile it on after that :hug:
I'm sure I was told to expect a weight loss at the 5 day weigh-in so don't worry if she has lost it's completely normal. You're doing really well, just trust your instincts.

I never woke Austin up for a feed, I let him dictate our feeding pattern from day 1. He would quite often only feed for 10 minutes at a time, but want feeding every half hour. Just go with what she wants as she's establishing the milk supply at the moment.

When she falls asleep try blowing in her ear or tickling/tapping her feet to wake her up & finish feeding - if she's really tired it won't wake her up but if she's just dropped of because she was feeding it will wake her up.

Good luck, it sounds like you're doing brilliantly. :hug:
Aww the toe curling pain when they take there first sucks does that improve because thats pure agony.

She getting weighed tomorrow instead now so fingers crossed shes not lost any more.
:hug: don't worry about the weight loss - all babies are born with extra stores because they are *meant* to lose weight in the first few days - it is a stressful time for them aa they have to learn how to eat and then digest so that is why. As long as they don't lose more than 10% and as long as they get back to their birthweight by about day 10 they are doing well :)

ps. Baby Smile was 5lb 5oz and so small - one thing I wish I had done was take a really good photo of him in his oversize clothes on his playmat so that in 8-10 weeks time you can see how much your little one has really grown and take a photo in the same clothes and the same position!

The toe curling pain does improve - I used to cry through most of his feeds for the first few weeks cos although he was latched on well it was still SO painful. Don't regret a second of it now though :)
When lil miss was weighed at 15 days she was only just a few grams more than her birth weight. I also know that she was 3.6kg when taken into SCBU at 3 days old.

But by a month she was weighed and was off the charts in both weight and height.

DON'T WORRY.... its totally normal for them to loose weight... :)

Its also normal for them to be on your boob 24/7... they can't starve themselves... so you should just let your baby tell you when they want boob... And if they sleep through the night... :dance: :dance: :dance: It's unlikely that they will though. ;)

Let her feed for as long as she wants.. because she will be sorting out your supply... as for falling asleep while feeding... tickle her feet, gently pinch or lightly scratch her cheek, blow gently in her face and rub her hands.. she will wake a bit. But the whole comfort thing...she's just spent 9 months being held, cuddled, comforted by your voice... and has now been thrown into a cold bright place, your voice is different and she now she has the indignity of having to demand her food... :rotfl: she just wants to be next to you for comfort. She will get used to it.. but she won't make it easy... :lol:
I used to wake Jenna every 3 hours at night for a feed in the early weeks as she had dropped too much weight after 4 days. I was breastfeeding and she used to feed for maybe 1/2 hour but not continual sucking. You've got to remember, breast feeding is hard work for them when they are so tiny, so they get tired very quickly :hug: I used lansinoh gel on my nipples which helped a lot, but I also went to the local breast feeding clinic (based at local hospital) - they were so helpful and were able to advise me on how to get Jenna latched on properly so (1) it didn't hurt so much, if at all, and (2) she was then getting enough milk with the least effort possible.

Do you have a breast feeding support clinic near you?
midna said:
Bloom said:
Aww the toe curling pain when they take there first sucks does that improve because thats pure agony.

She getting weighed tomorrow instead now so fingers crossed shes not lost any more.

Yes it totally improves persevere hun it would seem you are near the worst bit ..then all of a sudden it starts gettin loads better :hug: ...hang in there chick your doing greatxxxxxxxxxxx

midna's right - she gave me the same advice when i was struggling with feeding and with connor being v underweight. i've stuck with it and every day is getting easier. i won't get complacent, but i reckon we've got through the worst.

:hug: :hug:
Finlay and I have been having some problems too - mainly to do with my nipples :(

I got nipple shields as they weren't touching the top of his mouth and he was jsut screaming. I've been using them for a few days but I am going to try without them tomorrow and see how we get on.

Also he kept falling asleep while feeding too - at one point I had him naked to keep him awake! Keep fidgeting with them while they are feeding to keep them awake. Finlay hates the soft part of his foot being touched or tickled.

I'm feeding Finlay on demand but he is a lazy git and can easily go 4/5 hours without wanting a feed. He's started to wake more often now and demand more feeds.

Hang in there - I know its hard. I've had great support from my mum as the midwives didn't bother turning up half the time and patronise me for using the sheilds.
Stick at it chick, its really hard at first cos you and baby are both learning & your both still tired from labour/birth. I was told to feed at least every 3hrs and whenever baby wanted to, then at night I would leave Ellie until she wanted a feed and wouldnt wake her up... although she tended to be awake half the night anyway :roll: :lol:

Your coming to the hardest bit now, it will get easier. Your doing fantastic you should be proud of yourself :) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hang in there, as Midna said just when you think you cant take any more you suddenly realise its not hurting as much and it gets easier. I sent my OH out for Lansinoh cream, its a bit pricey but it made soooooo much difference, I def recomend you get some!

Its still really early days, just go with the flow and try not to stress about how long she is feeding for - I was timing every feed and worrying lots if they were less than 10 mins but my LO has gained weight steadily despite the fussing, I am sure yours will be fine too.

The ladies here are so supportive and absolutely right, they helped me loads when I started feeding, Good luck hun :hug:
Shes nearly back to her birth weight now so she must be getting enough food which is great.

One breast is ok now and its not hurting that much but the other nipple is really sore she had latching problems in the the first few days so sucked and sucked and made it really sore. Because i keep feeding her on it im not letting it heal properlyI have some Lansinoh cream which helps and i have some shields which i have used on that nipple but they are a bit big for her mouth so dont help that much.

I was at the end of my tether a couple of weeks ago and really wanted to give up BUT I didn't. I continued through the pain and stress and things are sooooo much better now. My nips hurt a little occasionally but generally they are tougher now and we've both got the hang of feeding. It's a huge learning curve and I don't care what anyone says - it's hard! REALLY hard! But you will get there. Don't give up and keep using your creams! You're doing great xxxx
Bloom said:
Shes nearly back to her birth weight now so she must be getting enough food which is great.

One breast is ok now and its not hurting that much but the other nipple is really sore she had latching problems in the the first few days so sucked and sucked and made it really sore. Because i keep feeding her on it im not letting it heal properlyI have some Lansinoh cream which helps and i have some shields which i have used on that nipple but they are a bit big for her mouth so dont help that much.

You're doing so well, she's gaining weight nicely!

I never used nipple shields, I just gritted my teeth & used loads of Avent nipple cream. I remember when he was a week old I had a blood blister on my right nipple & a cut on my left & just wanted to crawl under a rock. They do toughen up eventually.

I found it helped to go topless - around the house only! - to let them breathe when I got the chance. Breastmilk is really good to help heal too so try squeezing a bit out after a feed.

Again, you're doing brilliantly. Keep at it, it's so worthwhile & it will all be distant memories before you know it. :hug:
Thanks for the advice ladies im still hanging on in there and gritting my teeth through the pain of little madam sucking my nipple off. I think im through the worst bit and its slowly getting less painful.

I knew breast feeding would be had but never realised how hard. :hug:

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