Struggling to express


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Hi my baby is 5 weeks old and I am exclusively breast feeding at the moment. She is currently constantly hungry and feeding every 1-2 hours sometimes on a night she feeds constantly! It's not all the time I think it's when she has a growth spurt.

She has reflux and we are giving her gaviscon at the moment in breast milk so I am expressing. The problem is I hardly get any at all, if I am lucky 2oz's but I am struggling to get enough to put the gaviscon in most of the time :( I am worried my supply is not enough? Surely by now I should be producing more? Or is she just taking it all? It's really worrying me, I am considering a formula feed on a night as I need to get more sleep.

Any thoughts? X
Hi my baby did this and still does sometimes she is 11m!! I can never get more than 2oz each side but that does not mean you are not making enough. Some people just can't express. Which pump are you using? Electric are much better. Also if you c
Google lactation cookies they may help. I used fenugreek capsuals which helped my milk supply.
I used the Madela electric pump and it was amazing. Pumping whilst baby is feeding or at night when your supply is at the highest is the best time to do it. I can't remember exactly but your supply might not have settled down yet or you might just be producing when needed.
is the gaviscon working? my little boy started on it and it was a complete faff to express to give him it. It didnt really do anything anyway and he was switched to ranitidine which is REALLY easy to give, just a tiny amount in a syringe. So unless the gaviscon is working i would say ask to switch to ranitidine!
Are you hand expressing or pump expressing? Maybe try an hour after feeding? So that you have some ready for mixing next time she’s hungry. Babies are by far, more effective at getting milk than hand or pump expression. If she’s gaining weight, and having plenty of wet and dirty nappies you know she’s getting what she needs x
The amount you express is no indication on how much milk you have. Baby is more efficient at getting milk out than a pump will ever be. If your baby is gaining weight and has plenty of wet and dirty nappies then thats the sign your baby is getting enough.

when are you trying to express people sometimes find it easier first thing in the morning and if baby is not with you then try having a picture and one of your babies blankets next to you somehow that helped when i had to express
I never had much success with expressing but seemed to have plenty of milk for baby. With my 3rd I seemed to have an oversupply and still couldn't express.
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I’m the same as some of the others. With my daughter I could never express, tried a million things but just couldn’t. However, I kept my daughter alive and well and gaining weight for a year so know I had enough :)
5 weeks is still very little and she will still be creating her demand. Expressed milk is not an accurate indication of supply either. It probably just means that she is emptying your boobs successfully and every 1-2 hours is completely normal.

Keep at it, eventually your body will catch up with the supply/demand cycle. Best of luck

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