Stretch and sweep - actually asking for TMI on this


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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So I'm past my due date. Refused the first offer of a stretch and sweep at 40w yesterday for two reasons. One, I think it's a bit early to declare him 'late' when due dates are not that accurate. Two... I just don't want the proceedure!

I will be offered another one at 40w7d. I'm already struggling waiting for this little man to make his entrance, and if I'm still waiting in another week I'm going to be even more anxious and in pain and urgh. I know what the s+s is, and also that it doesn't often work. Just wondered if anyone would give me an idea of how uncomfortable/unpleasant it actually is.

E.g - is it any worse than a cervical smear test for instance? Are they mucking around in there for like... 30 seconds, or a couple of minutes? Can it cause bleeding?

Holding out hope that this will become a non-question very soon and that little one will make his entrance before I have to decide.
I had a sweep today at 38 weeks and it was like a smear. It was a little uncomfortable as she had to pull my cervix down but wasn't bad. This was first one and I was already 1 cm iv since lost my plug I think. So I'm thinking it might do something the fact it's shifted the plug is good news. I thought it would be horrible but it wasn't that bad. I'd definitely have another in fact I'm having one Tues if she not here x
Iv had 2 one at 41 weeks and 1 at 38 weeks and tho it was uncomfy it wasn't painful at all. I didn't bleed after either. 1st time I ended up being induced due to decreased movements but that was nothing to do with the sweep I had had them previous. 2nd time I has the sweep Thursday waters went sat morning x
I had one and it lasted like 30s, didn't hurt just uncomfortable and odd. And it worked for me :)
Just lost some more of my plug so hoping things will kick start soonish x
Thanks ladies. I feel a bit better about the thought of it now.

Hope it works for you Blueclass!
Lost some more plug this morning so hoping it will work if not Tues one should do it. Honestly don't worry to much. One lady at work told was horrendous and to take pain killers with me. As I said yes it was uncomfortable and it hurt a little when she pulled cervix down but that could be coz I'm still early. After that it was fine and I'm not bothered about having another x
I had an awful experience at my last smear test. Two nurses - who tried one size instrument, then another, then the first one again. Overall it took about 15 minutes of two strangers staring and prodding at my exposed private parts debating how to do what is supposed be a simple job. It was painful and humiliating. They made me feel like it was somehow MY fault, as if I had an awkward cervix or something. It was such a horrible experience that the thought of anything vaguely similar at this point fills me with dread.

Trying to remind myself that a) the two smear tests I had prior to that one were fine, and b) I have far more confidence in the MW's competency than I do in those two clowns.

I'm still going to worry, and still don't really want to do it. But you guys have reassured me enough that the decision will be based on what I think is best for baby and me in the long run now, instead of avoidance of the procedure itself.
You don't have to have it if you don't want.

It's offered but not compulsory and if there were any concern over your baby and they felt you needed to deliver you'd be offered induction rather than a sweep.

Don't feel you have to have one if you'd rather not.
It is quite common to have cramping, loose plug or have spotting after.

I didnt want one with my 1st. If they work they usually work quite quickly so I decied to wait until the last minute to to one. Id try a sweep before induction. I went into labour naturally in the end and had her at 40+10. I did get a sweep in early labour with DS. It was quite painful but that is because I was in labour. It kicked me into established labour quickly.
I know they can't make me have it, phoenix85, I already refused the first offer and they weren't at all pushy about it. I'm just anxious to have this baby out now, and if I'm still waiting come next thursday (40w + 7) then I'll have to make the decision again.

Really really don't want to be induced. I so want this baby to come in his own time as naturally as possible, but it is looking more likely that he's going to make me make hard decisions instead.
I had 2 and I didn't find them painful at all, I would say uncomfy but only for a few seconds. X
I didn't find it too bad , any advice I'd give is ask for a smaller doctor.....they have smaller hands, I don't want some big rugby player doctor coming at me with his giant hands lol
Had my sweep on Friday afternoon started having contractions Saturday evening
They really dnt hurt hun.

Ive had 3 each on both my boys.

3rd go both times i was already having slight contractions n they helped speed things up x
I've been told I'll be offered one at 39+4, which surprised me... thought they'd wait until overdue! I instinctively refused, but she explained that it's to try to get things moving so the chance you'll end up going well late and needing induction is lessened. Still not sure if I'll go for it, but might do. As far as I've heard, it's like a smear. The one you described sounded terrible though - hopefully that was very much a one off! ;-)
Had mine at 39+2weeks and he came at 39+4, if I'm offered one this time I will be having it
So I had 2nd tonight and have to be honest it hurt really hurt. I'm not trying to scare you but I thought it's good to know. As I said 1st one was not a problem really but this one I was crawling up the bed as she did it. She said no point doing one if it's not a good one. She said she was probably being a little mean but she wanted to do a good job at it.
Iv now got a belly ache from it and wondering if I can't handle a sweep how will I manage labour x
In labour your body takes over. Don't try to fight it best advice I got was try to zone out as much as possible and just listen to your body and midwife. Heck they gave me a codine and for most of it I thought I was a zebra or a dolphin. My mum was a dragon and my husband was a 3 eyed teddy bear!! All went smoothly only a small graze down there lol.
Il try to keep that in mind. I have had 4 sweeps now and the 3rd and 4th was much better in that they didn't hurt like the 2nd. I will now be having induction on Sunday. X

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