Strangest Habbits!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all well was wondering do we have any strange habbits at all?

I dont know weither or not you could say mine are weird but here goes

I like eating raw spaghetti whilst im making pasta etc for tea :lol:

and the other is

Eating blocks of marzipan until i feel sick!!!!!! :puke: :rotfl: :rotfl:

told you they are not exactly strange but im just bizzare at the best of times! :D
when i brush my teeth i have to chew the toothbrush lol
When I was younger I used to drink vinegar out of the bottle :oops:

I don't know if I have any strange habits now.
I don't know if this counts as a habit, but the light switches in the hall have to line up at the end of the night. Even if I've already gone to bed, I can't sleep if I know one switch is pointing up & one's not...
I do that with the light switches too!! Graham rolls his eyes at me as i'm running up and down the stairs to make sure they're all just right!!!

I also eat the spaghetti dry!! Have always done it! Mum hated me doing it as a kid, and G just looks at me like i'm weird!!

I also eat the raw potatoes when they've been cut up for chips or for boiling, i have to cut a bit off to munch!!

And i still suck my thumb when i'm feeling insecure at night!!! :oops: :oops: (nanna always told me it'd fall off as a kid - think i'm just determined to prove her wrong!!) :rotfl:
I always line up the tins and jars so the labels are at the front!
When i was younger i used to eat raw sausages! :puke: Horrible i know. My dad used to do it and i thought it was ok, wouldn't dream of doing it know. How i didn't get sick i don't know.
Im the same with light switches
my Oh drives me mad when he puts a cup or bowl ect down he keeps doing it till he puts it down straight all the bottom has to hit the table at the same time! :wall: why? whats the point after the 10 atempt i lose it with him :evil:
Oh yeah i also forgot to say that i use to eat raw bacon (after seeing kellie80 on eating raw sausages)! :shock: :lol:
I didn't realise until my friend pointed it out but I usually have my fists clenched like a baby. My Mum said I have always done it!

Also I don't know if its a british thing but my DH pointed out I always leave some drink for example tea or coffee at the bottom of my cup. I'm sure this is normal isn't it??????????
i have got very slight OCD it runs in the family so i have a few strange habits, like if im walking and scrape one foot i have to do the other, and if i wash my hands i have to dry them properly (yes im one of them people that hogs the hand dryers in public toilets untill my hands are bone dry) lol. And i have to touch things an equal amount of times and lots of little things like that.

But i also eat burgers bit by bit, like first the bun, then the meat lol. And chocolate bars i also eat part by part, makes me feel like it has lasted longer lol.

I also click every bone in my body on a very regular basis, even my thighs, back and neck, and all 3 joints in my fingers and thumbs. Everyone always tells me, you will get arthiritus when you're older etc etc but its an addiction and i spoke to my physio about it and she said its doing me no harm if it dosnt hurt and it dosnt i love the feel of it :D
If I scrape one foot I have to scrape the other one aswell. Or if I turned around one way, I have to turn around the other way (if that makes sense).
If I enter a house through the front door, I have to leave the house through the same door I came in by (my mam drilled that one into me when I was a kid).
I eat my burgers, I'll eat all the way around the burger, and then all the way round again, until there's just the middle left, which I then eat.
If my plate is put down on the table , I don't like it being turned around. I have to turn it back again. So if the meat was on the left, and the mash was on the right...if it accidently gets turned so the meat is at the top and the mash at the bottom, I have to turn it back again so it's in the same position it was to start with.
I HATE going to sleep if there is a chink of light coming through the curtains. I have to make sure the curtains are really REALLY well closed, with no chinks.
Its so annoying isnt it!!!! i get so angry about things and upset, like if i ask Alan to scratch my back and he dosnt but im set on it i just make him do one little scratch and then im ok again, if he dosnt i get really frustrated and i get trapped nerves in my knees, it really upsets me, when i go to the cinema i get it aswell just because i think about it!!!!

It wasnt till the other week i discovered my mom and sister have slight OCD too.

I also get compelled to do things really strongly, things that i wouldnt want to do, like if im walking over a bridge il get this really strong feeling to throw my bag off the side, even though i would never want to do that and il have to fight myself not to. Or if im talking to someone sometimes i feel like i am going to hit them or shout at them for no reason and i have to try and stop myself, i have never done anything before its always controllable, like torrets that can be controlled, my sister was telling me she is the same and she went to the doctors and they said it was just her OCD, last time i had one of the cats in the car with me on the way to my moms going down the motorway i had this really strong feeling to throw him out the window, i would never ever do that, but its always things i would never do or want to think about.

I hate it,bet you all think im a right weirdo now lol!!!!

cas xx
not sure whether it's a bad habit or OCD!! but i double check when i leave the house that i locked the front door, then when i get in the car i think to myself ''did i lock the door?'' then i go out and check it again!!! i guess this has to do with my losing my brains during pregnancy and birth, i call it ''Pregnancy brains'' :think:
yep that ones on my long list aswell monoloco :x

Oh and another one when me and Alan are going to sleep I have to say in order every night, and he has to say it back.."night night, sweet dreams, love you" then a kiss. Then off to sleep, if he says something after that i have to do it all over again untill its the last thing that is
cassi said:
Oh and another one when me and Alan are going to sleep I have to say in order every night, and he has to say it back.."night night, sweet dreams, love you" then a kiss. Then off to sleep, if he says something after that i have to do it all over again untill its the last thing that is

oh god yeh I have a thing like that with Phil...
First we give each other a kiss
I say "good night", then he has to say "goodnight"
then I say "love you", then he has to say "love you"
then I blow him an air kiss, and he has to do one back
and then I say "soon soon", and then he has to say it too.
THEN I can go to sleep in peace lol.

(in case you were wondering about the 'soon soon', it's what the little SIMS people say in The SIMS sometimes when they are going out of their houses lol, so Phil and I just started saying it instead of bye and it kinda stuck lol).
he he @ soon soon!!
thats so cute & sweet!!!

love the sims!
Not sure if this is mild OCD, but I can't step on 3 drain covers in the street - 2 is fine, but I just can't step on 3. There have been times when I've nearly fallen over or walked on someone else's feet just to miss that last cover...
OMG Cassi..........You sound so much like me, I can't list all my things but I drive my OH mad at times.....

But one of the things I do do, is you know the carpet holder things you get in doorways........if I tread on it with one foot, I have to walk backwards (without touching it) and come over it again with my other foot touching it :oops:

My DD is like it too, when she goes to bed, she looks over her bed to look at her books and they all have to be lined up properly, and she always has to have the toilet door shut when you come out, don't dare leave it open............

She will ask me to straighten her books or shut the door or whatever else and my OH has a go at me, he says I am encouraging her, but I don't think I am, as I know how she feels if things aren't just "so" :oops: :oops:

OK, You CAN shoot me now!!!! :lol:
When i'm getting comfy in bed i have to have the blanket tucked round my feet and legs just the right way or i can't get to sleep!

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