Strange Pain..


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Last night i got this sharp pain it went from my belly button to my mooie :lol: and it was there for about 5 second then went but this happened about 4-5 times? does anyone know what it could be? im not worried about it just more curious really as i thought that nothing was near my belly button yet as only being 13+

any one experienced this at all?

Not sure...i have had shooting pains in my bits and bum and that was wind? doesn't sound the same but similar. It will be nothing to worry about xx
yer im not worried, just wondered what it could of been! i suppose it could of been wind, didnt think of that.. just never felt it before :) xx
I've had something similiar when turning over in bed, not had it for ages. I think it was because i was lying funny, or just pulled a muscle the wrong way (if thats possible!), but it was on my bellybutton area, was sore, but more uncomfortable, then it would wear off. Xx
Happened to me earlier today! When I turned over quickly on the sofa x
Awww yeah glad your not worried, pregnancy is full of lots of "new" things lol xx
Is it the same pain you get sometimes when you sneeze? I get that too when I move quickly. Or sometimes just get it randomly. Think its just things stretching.

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no, its not the same pain as you get when sneezing (geez when im not prepared for that sneeze i know about it) :), i was lying still so it wasnt to do with moving Quick! pregnancy is full of strange and wonderfull things.. as i still think i didnt get this in my 1st pregnancy, but never mind! baby is happy so thats all that matters to me! :)
yes, i get this too Kelly, and we are pretty much the same stage. I have no idea what it is, but it is a weird sensation.
Also for the last week, i've been feeling very 'heavy' inside like i have a pressure on my tummy, and need to pee, although most times when i go it is just a trickle. Sometimes like a waterfall though lol!

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