belly button pains


Active Member
Apr 22, 2005
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Hello all, just wondered if anyone else had experienced sharp pains from your belly button down to your ladies bits. I have these very occaisionally (have had from around week 15, now 19.5 weeks). It almost feels as though there's a cord being pulled tight from one area to the other. It's quite painful and stops me in my tracks at times. when I touch my belly button afterwards it feels really sore.

Hi Z,

I don't get the pains exactly as you describe yours but if I cough or sneeze I get a terrible pain from behind my belly button. It almost feels like it might burst for a split second. And it aches for a while after if I press it.
I have a very very deep belly button and not sure if this has anything to do with it!! I can't see my belly button popping out during pregnancy either!! Before being pregnant I could stick my middle finger in my hole and my finger would disappear up to the first knuckle bit on your finger!!! TMI!! LOL!!
I have had these pains in the past when I wasn't pregnant. I don't know what they are but they're really painful!
I've had them before pregnancy too. I find it's worse if I'm not drinking enough water (but could be coincidence).
As far as I know, our abdominal ligaments are longways (vertical) or from top of ribs straight down to lower pubic area. This apparently causes the aches and sharp stitch-like pains either behind belly button or groin area.
I'm experiencing this for the 3rd time now - having had it with both previous pregnancies. The bigger your uterus becomes, the more likely your are to have these stabbing pains. Every time I get out of a chair - it hits me very hard and I end up folded over waiting for the pain to fade.
Just hang in there - you'll get use to it, but my personal advice would be to avoid moving too fast and to tighten your tummy muscles when coughing or sneezing.
Good luck
xx :)

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