Strange fluid - Bit yuk, don't read while eating!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed trying to sleep when I felt a little gush and some clear watery fluid came out with a slightly pink tinge (not an implantation bleed as I would have already been quite into the pregnancy.
Then last week, I was making myself a milkshake and I felt another gush, and more fluid went down my leg, disgusting I know.
I checked for heartbeat that evening and all sounded fine so didn't think any more of it, and my ultrasound the other day was fine, sonographer said all was healthy with a nice strong heartbeat and baby is developing great.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this in any of their pregnancies?

The best way to desribe it is like waters breaking but with only about a teaspoon to a tablespoon of fluid coming out.
I can never get hold of midwife to ask her and she hasn't given me another appointment yet.
Could it be pee? i know tha tmay sound silly, but some people find that when the baby moves onto the bladder (which you will probably not feel yet) you wee without realising?
I hope it is and it is nothing to worry about hun!! :hug:

lol, my pee is really dark even though i drink loads of water so it not that,
haven't a clue what it could be?!!

I'll have to keep it in a sample pot if it happens again to show GP or midwife, whenever I see her her next. :rotfl:
I have tried googling but cant find anything except pee and CM lol!
I hope someone else on here can help!? lol
I've no idea what it is hun, but I've had exactly the same thing. I've had it twice now, the only difference is mine was tinged with a strange orangey colour, not pink like yours. It definitely wasn't wee, I felt it come out so I know where it came from! Lol TMI sorry!
jenjen said:
I've no idea what it is hun, but I've had exactly the same thing. I've had it twice now, the only difference is mine was tinged with a strange orangey colour, not pink like yours. It definitely wasn't wee, I felt it come out so I know where it came from! Lol TMI sorry!

I know, tmi here but it kinda feels like when after sex a bit of man fluid dribbles out :rotfl:
sorry for the ick description there lol,
its not that stuff before anyone asks as I haven't had sex since Feb :lol: lol.

or could be march, i know i haven't since i got back from canada which was 9th march i think!
:rotfl: that's a very good description Keeley, if a bit :puke:
Hey, I just noticed you're form Newquay. I had my son at Derriford and hubby will never forgive me for making that decision as it means he's "not cornish". Will you be having LO at Treliske?
Yeah hopefully, unless im stranded on the m5 visiting family lol,
derriford, i've heard of that, is it plymouth?
Yeah, I was living near Looe at the time so Derriford was a lot nearer to me than Treliske, and to me being close to the hospital was a lot more important than having a "cornish" baby! Hubby didn't agree but that's men for you!
When you say was, have you moved nearer to Treliske now then or somewhere else?
My DD is Welsh, we didn't move here til she was 6 months old, went back to wales when she was 2, then came back here last summer.
No I'm in Wiltshire now :( hubby's in the army, we got married while I was pregnant with DS, and I moved up to be with him 2 weeks after DS was born. That was to Surrey then though, we move around every 2 or 3 years. We're off to North Devon in October. I can't wait to move back to Cornwall when he gets out the army, both our families live there.
That'll be good once your both settled back here, it must be pretty tough trying to make new friends so often :hug:

aww thanks for the :hug: hun, it can be quite lonely. I've been here for nearly 3 years now and I made loads of friends when I first got here but they've all moved on with (and some without) their husbands now. But you get used to it!
ive had that the whole time too, it can run down my leg too, its like white stuff.. gross i know, its really common, think its our bits cleaning themselves out more because we are pregnant... so its a good thing...
When i was in labour with CAmeron i was examined as i got to the hospital.

When midwife opened my legs i gushed and she said to the other midwife "its ok its not her waters"

Nobody ever told me what it was but nobody seemed surpised .
hiya, when i was pg with rebecca, i got that too, mw just said it was a bit of mucus and a little bit now ant then was fine, it sounds just like what i had.
I have the same thing fairly often. Mine is usually white, but sometimes clear. I haven't worried about it, because it happend with both of my other pregnancies too.

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