35 week scan, not happy with fluid or placenta

I'd tend to agree with the couple of dr's before, some of them are bloody useless :mad:

Seriously ring your mw, have a cry to her; say you're worried and not happy with the scan today and see if there's anyway possible to have another one this week. You have every right to look for another opinion especially when it's your baby we're talking about :hug:
I'd ring my midwife if I were you. Just to get someone to look into who this doctor was and what he's written in your notes. You might be able to get a 2nd opinion tomorrow or something, you never know! Good luck xxx
Thanks girls.. OH's mums friend is delivering my baby.. We have a number for her she has been a midwife in the same maternity for years.. So we are going to ring her tomorrow and ask what she thinks, I of course hope what the doctor said today was true, that nothing was wrong.. But I doubt it after hearing different 3 other times.. Will keep you updated on what happens, going to write down everything that I'm thinking now because I will go blank tomorrow x
Great plan hun, let us know won't you?
:hug: Speak to your MW or someone and see if you can be seen again. It's crap when you don't feel happy with how your appointment went xx
Have decided I'm going to wait until Wednesday.. And then probably go off on one:shock:.. Bub is really active, hasn't stopped actually so I know everything is fine atm.. Just bloody ridiculous at how dismissive that doc was! :wall2: Anywho have a nice list wrote out of everything I have thought of from Wednesday.. According to information on placenta.. Grade 3 is a 40-42 week placenta! It is the highest grade.. So I doubt I will see my due date tbh.. Anywho I'm gonna shut up now :lol:
Don't leave until you feel satisfied that all your questions have been answered. If you're not happy with the dr, ask for another one; I've done this before :lol:
Hope everything goes a little smoother for you, sorry to hear the way you've been treated last thing you need weeks from bubbas birth.
once you hit 37 weeks you are considered full term so if your not happy kick off. they can induce you esp if 3 doctors have been concerned about fluid!! good luck at next scan!! and hope baba keeps playing hockey with your insides xx
Thanks girls..:hug:

And Mamafy, wish I had the balls to do it :oops: I am acting big girl now saying I'm gonna to give hell on Wednesday.. Chances are when I get there I will freeze up.. Must give myself pep talk in the waiting room lol but if the largest pool of fluid has dropped anymore I will definitly think of asking to be monitered overnight.. Am convinced there is a leak.. But more drip drip drip than woooooosh :lol:
Good luck at your next appointment. I'm the same, I get too scared to ask things. Hopefully whoever you'll see will be really good so you don't have to push to get answers xx

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