Stopping Pill & Ovulation


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hi Ladies

I have been taking the pill for about 15 years now, and have just made the decision to start trying for my first baby.

I will be taking my last pill this sunday, usually I get my withdrawal bleed 4 days later which lasts for 5 days.

My questions is, can I take an ovulation test after waiting the appropriate number of days ?

As the bleed is a withdrawal from stopping the pill rather then a normal period I dont know if I will ovulate afterwards ?

Any help would be great.

Thanks x
When I stopped taking my pillI bled as normal on the first period - then had a cycle of 33 days - not sure if I ov or not, My next period was light compared to what it normally is,

I have been charting temps and OV throughout this cycle and I OV on CD15. It really is reasurring to know that my body is working properly,

Some pills can take a long time to come out of your system completely though, everyone is different I guess and I'm sure some of the more experienced girls will be along to offer some help

x x
I have always ovulated and had regular normal periods after coming off the pill. I actually concieved straight after coming off the pill 2 and half years ago x everyones different though x x good luck x

I have bought the clear blue digital ovulation tests which I will be taking on my honeymoon with me as that is when I have worked out my first ovulation will be (if I get it) so they are packed up next to my sunglasses and bikini ha ha
I had been on the Pill for about 15 years also and have PCOS, so i was very suprised that my cycles return and straight into 28 day cycles. I also ovulated at the right time straight away, (didn't test be just new as i had cramps and sore boobs).

Anyhow, one night without any protection, 3 months after stopping the pill and i am now pregnant, rather shocked i have to say, but hubby and i are pleased.
Countrybumkin, congratulations!!

It is very reassuring to hear stories like that, as this will be our first time trying and the first time me coming off the pill since I was 15 I have no idea what to expect.

I have been doing as much as I can in the run up to it, stopped smoking, joined a gym, eating more fruit... but you just dont know!!
im not sure if the pill in your system will effect the ovulation tests but i do know someone who stopped taking the pill and got pregnant before even having a period!!! (although her dates were never exact because they didnt have a period to calculate from!! lol

good luck!!

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