stopping breast feeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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i been breast feeding for over 3 months now, shocked myself after all the horrid probs ive had like cracked nipples n mastitis...anyway im hoping to stop soon.....ive done my best i feel...although the mother in law thinks i shouldnt ...hmm...thats another story...whats the best way of stopping? im worried il become engorged.........have no idea how to go about it..... thank you for ur help and read xx
Hi hun

You've done really well. Everyone always has an opinion, the moment I was pregnant I found out all the world has to start telling you what's best, like you suddenly lose the ability of thought lol

Think there are a couple of ways to stop. Either cut down on the feeds you are doing gradually so you don't become engorged but at the same time your body will also reduce the milk production slowly too or just put baby straight onto formula and then express some of the milk from boobs, but not too much because your body will still think it needs to produce the same amount of milk, so if you just express to take them down a bit your body will gradually reduce the milk production that way.

Think some ppl will say don't put baby straight onto forumla because their disgestive system is used to breast milk, but I don't really agree with that. Baby will be fine and adjust quickly.

Hope they make sense lol xxx
i stopped bf gradually by introducing one formula feed at morning and night and then a mid day feed too! i ended up taking medication to stop my milk as i had a puss infected cist after a nasty spout of mastitis (nice!) and they told me it was best to stop this way! my milk was gone after 2 days! =( i was a little engorged during this time tho and it was a bit sore. im sure other mums who have stopped bf will have diff advice tho as i know its not common to stop milk supply with medication here in the uk! good luck!
3 months if fab, well done. I stopped over about 2weeks by gradually introducing formula feeds and tbh I didn't get engorged at all. Zac got really constipated going onto formula, so I'd say gradual is better as it takes time for their digestive system to get used to the formula, and if your LO gets constipated give cool boiled water. Good luck xxx
3 months just boobs is fab - well done you

what is it about mums and MIL's that tell them to decide what you do! My mum keeps telling me Iv'e done my bit and should stop, and now he's drinking from a beaker, why carry on!! Everyone has a right to stop when it's right for them and for their own reasons! really....

Slowly reducing might be better for your boobs, and baby but cold turkey, worked for my mate
I did cold turkey after 4 and half months and only had to express twice (once after 24 hrs and again after 3 days) just when boobs became too uncomfortable. Ella had been having 1 formula feed a day for a few weeks so not sure about getting them used to formula gradually, I'm sure they'd be fine, like zazu said, if constipated, give cooled boiled water.

I think by about 3 months your boobs have regulated their production a bit better unlike at the beginning where it comes thick and fast so I would imagine less chance of problems stopping now as opposed to earlier on.

Good luck hun, and just do what you know is right by you and little one, ignore anyone else's two pence worth ;)

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