Breast feeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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i bn breast feeding for 6 weeks now , have unfortunztly had cracked nipples..very badly on one breast and mastitis...breast feeding hasnt bn a nice experience by any means but i was determined to continue even through the cryiiing due to the still nt really njoying thinking of expressing during the day for when i go out,,,,its a bugger trying go out n about..ur half way through a meal in publuc n av to go in to the toilet to breast feed 4 half hour....can anyone offer advice n expeerience??? taxx
You shouldn't feel the need to feed in the toilet. Get an apron or a scarf, I use the tommee tippee feeding wraps £5 at asda. Get baby in position, throw the cover over babies head and either lower your top or raise it. My mil said I should feed in the toilet, and I said "you don't eat in the toilet so why should my baby???"

I do take my hat off to you. With all the suffering and you're still feeding.

Try and build up your confidence, go to a baby group or something similar.

Good luck
Emma x

Jones if it makes it easier maybe express a bottle for when you go out? I bf in public, I felt a bit awkward but I did it. But taking half an hour to feed when your out is a pain since you can enjoy your meal. If I were you I'd bring a big expressed bottle and it will be drunk in no time!

I recently got mastitis and had to give up bf. It was too painful to feed and couldn't keep up with expressing with a toddler to contend with too.
Do you have a local breast feeding group? It's good to go to if you can, lots of other mums for support and advice and a chat face to face.
Omg I hate you feel the need to feed in the toilet!!! That makes me so frigging cross! Your doing a very natural and challenging thing with your baby, and to think us breastfeeders feel we need to hide whilst doing it just isn't right. I use a nursing scarf which covers me and baby and half the time people don't know what I'm doing, it's great!
I am a volunteer at my local breast feeding group and I have also had similar problems to you, but I've got a determined head and I've got through it all, now breastfeeding is as easy as counting. And I love it! No more cracked nipples or mastitis over here at all!
It would be really great if you could find the courage to feed in public without sitting in the toilet. I don't like that. Xx
i can only echo what the other girls have said - don't feel you should feed in the toilet! With practice you will soon become a dab hand at feeding at the table whilst eating your own lunch and carrying on a conversation lol, people won't even notice! Well done for carrying on through the pain too, I've been there and it's not nice!! It's so worth carrying on though, so well done :yay:

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