
Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
My SIL has just brought my niece around and didn't tell me until they were in the house that my niece has impetigo! I'm so annoyed! My niece is 3 and wants to touch everything even when she has been told not to repeatedly. Thankfully she didn't touch D but she did touch his carrycot and the stuff around it and I know its really infectious. I've wiped down everything I can remember her touching but I know I won't have got everything. Does anyone know what kind of affect it could have on him? This is another thing to add to the list of problems I'm having with my inlaws!
x x x
Oh I dunno :eh:
Pretty irresponsible of her to expose a new baby to that - hopefully you'll have managed to wipe everything down well enough. Sorry no help!
Thats ok I don't know either! I'm just so annoyed and worried now, I just hope he doesn't get it!
hey there hon,
Owen had impetigo at one week old- we never knew where he got it from but after swabs it turned out me and him had mrsa-most likely from hospital and he had a pus build up from that which meant going in to hosp for iv antibiotics....but....that was just our awful story!! try and wash things shes been in contact with at 100 degrees if you can. sure baby will be fine. cannot believe your sil was so irresponsible to let her little girl in contact with your family. she shoudl be at home til it's cleared!

i would be FUMING!

hugs xx
Thanks hun, I am fuming - my OH thinks I'm over reacting! I've washed as much as I can and wiped down the sofas with antibacterial wipes. I've just finish some antibiotics so hopefully they'll help us both. x
your oh wouldn't think you were overracting if he saw what owens face was like covered in pus filled spots at a week old :( I'm sure you're little one is fine but look how even a little cold can affect a newborn, grrr. fingers crossed xx
That's so irresponsible of your SIL, your niece shouldnt be in contact with anyone let alone a new baby! I can never understand mums that do this, we've all been there with a new baby and the worries of catching something! I would make sure everywhere is really clean, fx your LO doesn't pick it up x

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