

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Does anyone else hate the fact that random strangers feel its ok to touch your baby, it's really annoying/upsetting me!

I know people love to coo over babies but Ive had people come up and touch his hands or try to touch his face and I hate it. I don't know where their hands have been and I have a thing about coldsores - what if they have one, have been touching it and the touch C and he gets the virus?

I'm funny about germs anyway, but if anyone I don't know touches him, I have to clean him afterwards especially if it's his hands as he's started putting them in his mouth, chewing etc. It's really getting me down :-( why do they feel it's ok to do this? I would never randomly touch someone's baby, please tell me I'm not crazy and that other people feel like this??

I just don't know how to stop my anxiety :-(
I wouldnt like that one bit, i had it a lot with paige as she has lovely red hair, dark eyes and olive skin so people would try and touch her. I just told them not to as i didnt want her picking up any colds etc xx
Your not crazy I feel like this too! Even when I see family and friends Im thinking "I hope your hands are clean!". Feel terrible thinking it round friends, esp when they have children who want to touch him, you know what kids are like! I push my fears to back of my head and just tell myself it's good to be exposed to germs plus he's getting some immunity from breast milk, I hope! We have a slobbery boxer dog so I suppose he's getting exposed to far more germs from her than anyone else! I was really paranoid for first few weeks as he was early so i hardly took him out but Im getting better now. I'm sure I wasn't so worried with my daughter and in 14 years she's barely been ill!
im the same hun,if random people on the bus or in shops go to touch him i can feel myself cringin and i feel like im screamin on the inside!!! how do u stop a nice way and without soundin nasty towards them.if anyones got any suggestions id be really gratefull to hear them,i feel like i dont want to go out anywhere with him.xxxx
Totally understand where you are coming from with this, I'm constantly cleaning my hands - I've always been a bit like that. Does it annoy anyone else when family members that smoke hold your baby? This is a real hate of mine!!!
I don't know how to stop strangers touching my lo but I haven't taken him out much yet!!
Feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one! I know what you mean, even though they're complete strangers it's hard to say, "please don't touch my baby!!!" so any suggestions would be great as even saying it politely your basically saying to them that they're covered in germs.

I put gloves on him the other day and took them off if anyone touches him, so at least they're not touching his skin. I know he needs to pick up 'germs' to help build his immune system but it still upsets me.
I kinda know where your coming from, I dont like it either, but wouldn't go as far as to clean him after. I think its just one of those things we need to get used to. It does get worse when they get older, when ur tiny baby is a toddler you'll still see them as being just as precious, but their hands will be into EVERYTHING, and it will be impossible to keep them germ free & away from other adults/children.

Even more so when they start shouting & talking, it attracts all sorts of ppl over to say hello.

But yeah, its a case of having to get used to it i'm afraid. Or make sure when you go out, LO is covered by a hood ect in the pram, thats why I picked the pram I have coz LO is totally covered by 2 hoods the car seat one & the buggy one.

Just to add - im sure many ppl have had babies that have been touched & they've not ended up with cold-sores & germs ect. Try not to worry.

I know what you mean hun, I am the same. Remember going into a shop and people trying to get close and touch him, he was in the pram! Had to pretend I was rocking him in a pram and wheel it away. It's getting better but at least I know he has had some jabs. Still want to strangle people who cough next to me on a bus.
I try to put myself between baby and them. I felt like this with my first as well. Woman in Tescos yesterday started pearing over her and I walked around the trolley put my had on Aria's chest and made like I was uncovering her so the woman could see but in fact Id placed my body between them. So she couldnt get too close and wasnt offended. I do this all the time, if shes in her pram, I wrap her and pick her up so they can see her and then I move away if they make to touch her. I nearly did it with a new born not long ago and realised what I was doing!!! I walked towards this woman and said oh hold old is she and went to touch her hand!!!! for god sake and I know what it feels like I and I nearly did the same!
Totally understand where you are coming from with this, I'm constantly cleaning my hands - I've always been a bit like that. Does it annoy anyone else when family members that smoke hold your baby? This is a real hate of mine!!!
I don't know how to stop strangers touching my lo but I haven't taken him out much yet!!

I really hate this and my hubby smokes! He goes outside but still stinks, I'm sure it's worse than before I had Kynom or I'm more aware. I thought my constant moaning would make him give up, I hate it when Kynon smells of smoke cos hubby has been cuddling him, but what can you do, I've told him often enough but it falls on deaf ears! If he won't give up for his son I guess he never will!
there is a thing where the government guidelines state that someone shouldnt hold a baby within an hour of having a fag...I was told this as an NCT class a couple of years ago. I wont let anyone hold my baby if theyve smoked so I understand that one...I just say look Im really sorry but would you mind waiting to hold her

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