Stomach pain


Active Member
Jun 5, 2007
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Hi all

Im having a panic day! Im coming up to being 7 weeks and I keep getting pains in my stomach. I know that general discomfort is normal but this is different to what ive been getting so far.

Its mostly down my left side and is almost like a stitch. Its not constant and when i do get it it goes away quite quickly.

Any ideas if this is something I should be worrying about or am i stressing over nothing?

Ive got my booking appt on tuesday but it feels like ages away!

Any thoughts appreciated

I get all sorts of funny pains left and right side.
Mine sort of feel like period pain but then other times they feel like twitches.
I wouldn;t worry too much, you only have to wait a few days, but if you are very worried phone your docs!!!
At least you have got an appointment to see your midwife I have heard nothing yet!!! And I'm 11 weeks Tuesday.

Have you had any problems with constipation or trapped wind etc. Sometimes that can make you quite uncomfortable.
If it becomes really painful you must go to A&E ! You could try ringing EPU aswell for advice.

Its most likley growing pains i have had this a few times then eases off ! If it goes quite quickly i would try not to worry if you think about it you have a baby growing inside you and must cause a bit of discomfort from time to time :D
i would mention it to your doc.. anything you are not sure on ask... thats what i've been told anyway otherwise you'll worry yourself...
My pelvic pain/discomfort is driving me mad! It's not terrible pain other than the very occassional twinge but it is just like a bit of period pain - almost as if something is very tight and uncomfortable and taking up more room than it should in my pelvis.

I'm guessing it's probably normal as long as you don't have severe pain but if you're worried do what I did and phone your early pregnancy unit - I just rang as I had had some bleeding along with the pain and I am having a scan next week.
Its probably just your uterus stretching and your body preparing for your baby growing.Dont panic, if you have blood loss and pains then worry and call your MW x :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:

Ive been feeling a lot better today so think I'll just wait now til I see the MW on tues.
Hopefully one day I'll stop thinking the worst is about to happen and just enjoy the pregnancy!!!

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