stomach cramps

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hi ladies im being an insomniac and was after some re-assurance more than anything. I have some stomach cramps on and off not in one side just all over really, no spotting or bleeding, im just over 6 weeks now, how long does this last for?? hope u dont think am being 'weak' just new at this. :sleep::sleep:x
Could be round ligament pain. Scared me to death when I got it, had no idea bout all that! If you get too concerned just contact your MW for reassurance :)
Hiya,I'm not far behind u and I've been gettin cramps on and off since b4 my bfp xx
thank you ladies seems to be not soo bad this morning, trouble is i have IBS as well (sorry if TMI) so hard to distinguish but the pain felt different than that! emmamb we not far apart are we!!nice to know we can compare what each is feeling?? x
Ick, I have that too, it sucks big time :( Glad you're felling better!
I keep getting cramping. It was pretty bad last night and I was very very bloated and windy so not sure if that was making it worse. At least that it what I am telling myself.
yes i get lots of dull aches and twinges but just put it down to stretching pains x
yeah comes and goes my stomach is also bloatedi find that i seem to feel better round about tea time, then when i go to be am ok for bit but then wake up with cramps!! cant beleive today, got up at 8 ish, fell asleep on sofa for 30 mins between 10 and 1030 and just woken now from power hour!! so glad got 3 weeks off work xx
wow your three weeks off work couldn't have come at a better time Rainbow! Have you only just started it? How pregnant will you be when you go back to work?
yeah cause i work nights i got alot of days off due to the hours i worked. i already had 2 weeks off before i found out i was pregnant. was meant to be in this thurs and fri but as im really suffering with my back my boss very kindly agreed to me having 2 days leave so thatll be 3 weeks altogether!! your right couldnt come at better time!. i will be into my 9th week when i go back he he! xx
Hope you feel better soon!!! I like the three weeks off though!!! X x

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