Stole this from Tri 2 (sorry Leanne :D)


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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I stole this, it looks fun, i had to modify it a lil bit though..

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
4 weeks 6 days yaaay

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
i'd like to think not, but im terribly impatient.

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yep loads.. Wednesday or Dexter being the favs.

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
11 weeks 6 days atlast

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Keep saying no but not sure what ill do if asked

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Millions no clear favourite

6. Is this your first child?
No ive got a 9 year old called cammy

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Ha d a galaxy thing going on for a while. I more cant stand the thought of some foods ie. steak pie rather than craving something
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
7 weeks, 2 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yes definitely, I'm impatient and I can't wait to find out what sex the lil bean is so I can start shopping!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Lots and me and the OH have agreed on a girl's one, Aurora, though we are split between Ocean and Reuben for a boy's name.

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Quite a few. I have started craving a lot of meat! Being a veggie thats quite difficult. I would kill for a bacon sarnie atm. Also craving weird things like popcorn and donuts. Mmm got to love the ol' sweet tooth.
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
5 wks today woohoo

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yes defo its a little surpise half way through

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
darent even think about it yet

6. Is this your first child?
No I have Lewis and he is 5 1/2

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
No I just crave food really...STARVING ALL TIME!! :rotfl:
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?
30 (31 tomoro!!) :D

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
not sure 5wks ish??

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
oh yes, i like to be organised!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Ethan & Chloe

6. Is this your first child?
No I have Marcus 8 and a half

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
No I have no symptoms :(

Sara xx
Ethan and Chloe both go so well with your son's name Marcus. Ethan and Marcus, and Chloe and Marcus sound lovely :D
.Christina. said:
Ethan and Chloe both go so well with your son's name Marcus. Ethan and Marcus, and Chloe and Marcus sound lovely :D
Thank you, i just hope all goes well so i will be able to use one or the other, got a scan on mon to check whats going on :? xx
Aw good luck with your scan hun! And I hope everything goes well for you...
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Eva Lily for a girl.... possibly Owen or Jacob for a boy

6. Is this your first child?
No, Lucy is 3 on Tuesday!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
No, I went through a week where I ate loads and now certain things just make me want to be sick.
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you? 20

3. How far are you in your pregnancy? 4 weeks 5 day

4. Do you plan to find out the sex? yes despite oh telling me not to, what he dont know wont hurt him :wink:

5. Have you thought of any names yet? no not yet too early

6. Is this your first child? nope Hope is a year and a half

7. Have you had any cravings yet? Not really but my pasta made me feel sick earlier
Whats your name?

How old are you?
38 :oops:

How far are you in your pregnancy?
11 +3

Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yes but hard as hubby doesnt want to know but i defo do.

Have you thought of any names yet?
Only one so far for a boy but a few girls names although hubby doesnt like them :wall:

Is this your first child?
nope baby number 7

Have you had any cravings?
Radishes and blueberries but i tend to get urges of things and once i get it in my head i want something just get out of my way :twisted:
no really, how do you cope, sorry im such a nosey cow :rotfl:
i was harder when the others were little as i had 6 in 7 years but my youngest is nearly 12 now and the eldest 19 so will get tons of help this time. :D
aww thats great, i used to love helping my mum looking after my younger siblings :D Cant say the same now :lol:
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
4 weeks, 2 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yes - definitely

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Havent dared think about it yet

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
No, but favourite foods taste funny!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
11 weeks, 5 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yep! Im too nosy, and tired if calling it "it"!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Daniel or Harry for a boy, or Mia for a girl

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Just sweet things!

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