Found this in an old thread and thought it might be fun...

Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
23 weeks and 5 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
No, we are having a surprise although i'm convinced it's a boy!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
We have a couple of ideas...!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
On and off - milk, mince, ice, salty processed food (stuff I wouldn't touch before!)

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
I had no morning sickness but was not prepared for how flaky I would feel! The spots and constipation aren't great either...
Whats your name?

2. How old are you?
34, I feel old lol, your all younger than me!!!

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
25 weeks

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
No we didn't but my bf wanted too

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
We like Jasmine, this was the first girls name we agreed on, Kendra, Fae, Electra for girls up to now, Finn/Fynn, Austin for boy's, we just can't agree/decide

6. Is this your first child?
Nope, I have 2 boys aged 11 & 8yrs who are my world from a previous relationship

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Nothing spectacular, I have a citrus craving earlier on but nothing much since

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Hideous nausea until approx 18 weeks, extreme fatigue, now heart burn
Whats your name?
Krissie (Kristina.. no one call me that though please! :lol: )

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
24 + 1

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Yep... the sonographer 'thought' it was a boy.. told me to keep receipts for anything I buy!! :lol: :lol: I'm pretty sure it is though!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
OH can only agree on a few.. we like Dylan, Finley, Ethan & Theo... although nothing definete!

6. Is this your first child?
Nope, we have a gorgeous little girl Amber who is 3.

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Everything sweet! Which is why I thought I was having anojther girl.. had exactly the same as I had with Amber.. sweets, chocolate, ice cream!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Not really, bit of heartburn, that's about it.. been very lucky this time!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
26weeks & 4 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
It's a wee boy

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Mitchell or Cameron

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Awful Constipation
Two girls having boys: One craving 'Everything Sweet' and the other craving 'Crunchies' . . .
. . . Bang goes my theory then! :rotfl:
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
22 + 5 weeks

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
i did find out we are having a boy :lol:
5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yes but it's a seceret lol we going to tell people we are calling him bilbo, gizmo or damien (oviously we arn't :lol: :lol: )

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
constipation, morning sickness, bad back ack, leaky boobs :lol: :lol: all the usual ones
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
23 weeks & 4 days

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Nope - we like suprises!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Thought of a couple. Liam for a boy, Brooke or Megan for a girl. Probably change our minds hundreds of times before we decide though!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
No, nothing. How boring is that!?

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Did have morning sickness but that's gone thank god! Now just have constipation & occassional backache.
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
22 weeks

4. Do you plan to find out the sex?
Found out its a girl!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Thought of a couple. Heidi, Nell, Pippa.

6. Is this your first child?
No, have a wonderful 8 yr old boy!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Super Noodles with cottage cheese, chinese takeaway!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Leaky boobs, runny nose, blobby CM :oops:

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