Stitched up bits...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Did anyone find that some days were less painful than others? Yesterday I didn't feel too sore and then again today it feels all achy and uncomfortable :(

Do you think that's a sign that it's healing a bit?

For those who dont know....all my stitches have gaped in my perinium... :( the midwife checked it on sunday an said its starting to heal but will take was infected but have been on antibiotics so dont think its that cos there is no smell...(sorry tmi) do u think the achiness is just normal??? suppose when you think what my poor bits have been through, it would be achy.....

I had a 3rd degree tear and it used to ache if I'd been doing lots and after about 2-3 wks noticed it more!
I had a 3rd degree tear and it used to ache if I'd been doing lots and after about 2-3 wks noticed it more!

i probably havent rested as much as i should have today, so that would explain it...xx
I had really sore stitches after having my dd. try some pure lavender oil (from holland and barratts) in a nice hot bath. Helps healing like a charm!
we have some lavender oil...might treat myself to a bath tonight......thanks :)
I controlled any pain with paracetomol but I had a 2nd degree tear X
Mix the lavender with a bit of milk it makes it disperse better in water. Also you can put drops on your pad to help too. X
just neat onto the pad or mixed with milk? xx
I had a 4th degree tear, and could really tell when mine began to heal they were so sore and could feel them pulling together, they are still sore now some days more than others, but I really can't rest! Hope they start feeling better soon xxx

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