Still no AF :(.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

Hope all is well.

I dont know if some of you may remember the Big bleed/Mc i had on the 1st March and lasted about 19 days?

Well basically for you ladies that know my situation, I am still waiting for AF to pay me a visit as i havent had anything since then. I have never wished for AF to hurry up but strangley enough this time i am and cant wait.

As you can imagine me and OH are very confused by this. We really arent having much luck with anything recently.

Does anyone have any light to shine on my current situation? I am hoping that sometime soon things will start going our way and we start getting some good luck.

Sorry for the little rant.

Amy xx
I am completely unknowledgeable but just wanted to send you some hugs, and I hope AF appears soon xxx
After my mc it was 41 days before I had a period Hun :hug: bleeding from mc only lasted 4 days for me x
Thanks for the replies ladies..

I just dont know what to think anymore... Surely i should have something by now.

But saying that like i say with our luck at the moment anything can go wrong lol.

Thanks again xx
I'm really sorry about everything you're going through Eldra :hug:
I really hope you get your answers soon Hun, thinking of you xxx
Thanks for the replys and the kind words, still no AF as of yet but i have been experiencing some period like crampy pains for the last day and a half to 2 days now. Its only there now and then and to be honest its hardly ever there.

Grrrrrrr. ....... What is happening with my stupid body?!?!

We so need some good luck sometime soon.

Oh yeah and just to top our luck off our computer has just blown up lol.

Sorry once again for the twisting lol.

Amy xx

Im sorry you are feeling this way and I dont know if I can help you or even infuriate you even more as Im pretty much in the same sort of situation with my stupid annoying body. Hopefully hearing that you arent the only one will give you reassurance that we are more normal than we think.

I mc Fri 18th Feb now 10 weeks ago. Bleeding lasted 4 days. 2 weeks later another 4 day bleed. Thought it was my af at the time. Now every two weeks since Ive had spotting that lasts a day if not 2 max. I was sick of it so went to the dr. All he said was it can take 3 months to get back to normal. Made him take swabs etc to check for infection. All clear! Basically Im the opposite of u Im bleeding a lot! Maybe we should swap!

I too am so bloody annoyed at my body as we are desperate to get back to normal and I am typing this to try to convince myself too.

It can take 3 months for some (unlucky ones) so we need to try to be patient!
(must take own advice )
Thank you very much for the kind words.

Laura i am soooo sorry your having problems too, its just so annoying and frustrating. I hope both of us get back to normal asap so we can continue our ttc journeys. Its now been 61 days since my bleed started.

Thanks again xx

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