Still no af...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Day 5 and still no af.

Just been the the pub with our neighbours and my lovely neighbour announced she was pg. She has been trying for 3 years so over the moon for her. Feel so emotional though. Really really want to be pg now. Would be amazing to be pg at the same time.

Used a couple of ebay cheapies this morning but nothing. Have yellow stain - quite a bit - in knickers today - tmi!! Feeling queezy too but think that is due to announcement earlier!

Just feel like having a cry. How sad is that?

Aw your not sad sweety :) Its completley normal what your feeling. My friend has just found out shes pregnant too and she is not ment to be ovulating (pcos). Although im really chuffed for her i felt a little down that i'm not yet!

AF hasn't got you so think positive about will get your bfp! It is always nice to think you could be pregnant at the same time as someone to have someone to talk about your symptoms and everything i'm hoping i am so me and my friend will be at the same time.

Don't feel down feel good that AF hasnt got you! x x x
Remember alot of the ladies on here have got late BFP!
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Thanks Shauna. I really hope so. Lets hope we both get our bfp's soon. Feel like I'm losing hope tonight. xxxx
Thanks, Dont give up...and stress is no good for ya good luck xxx
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It sounds very similar to my situation Laura.

It's horrible having your emotions wrenched between happiness for someone else and sadness for yourself.

I've even noticed a bit of yellow staining in my knickers too which is unusual but it seems to just be an indication of extra cleaning activity (maybe from all the sex recently).

I think it's good to have a cry - stick on a touching film and bawl your face off ;)
thanks louise. i thought of you actually and your post yesterday when she said. its her 40th next week and they'd given up so really lovely for them, couldnt have happened to a nicer couple. i told her that we were ttc when we started chatting babies, i dont know why, just blurted it out. i feel really really queezy at the moment, but think its just disappointment if that makes sense? just googling late bfp's like a complete twat!

5 days and no AF! if i were you i would try and relax..u may be preggers!! xx
Thanks positivity but nothing but bfn! Feeling so stressed and tired and emotional. I think maybe my stress head is putting back my af. I wish I didn't care so much. I just want to shut my brain down
its horrible isn't it! my AF came a day early this month and at first i was disappointed but actually at least its out of the way and you can move on. but the positive side to being late is that you're still in. I mean i've read on here of people getting bfn's and then bfp so there's still hope but i know its hard coz you don't want to get your hopes up xxx
have you only tested with the ebay cheapies? i dont trust them!! I really hope its your month hun x
eBay cheapies are rubbish! Def do a branded test - I didn't get a clear bfp with the cheapies until I was like 6 weeks pregnant!
Is it morning already? I'm so tried :nap:

I hope you had a good night's sleep Laura.

Have you tired a branded test like others suggested? Or even going to the doctors for a pregnancy test which is free?

I suppose stress can delay AF, but i think it has to be very extreme :shock:
Thanks everyone. I tried a branded on Friday when I was 4 days late and it was bfn. Thinking of waiting until Weds now - don't know why Weds! Otherwise all I'll been using is ebay cheapies. I'm cd 36 now. Putting off testing again with branded for the disappointment. Who knows af may come today and feeling a bit strange down there and is possibly af crampy type feeling. Could not get to sleep at all last night.

Got some brownish marks if I use a tampon (tmi) so think the witch is making a late entrance - who does she think she is eh? Had mega cramps this morning and felt awful. Think she'll be here by the morning. At least I suppose its over and can start again ... but the dream is over too!xxx
I've been all over the place today, i'm pretty sure i'm getting the onset of period cramps now - it's bs this ttc stuff.

It's only over for the cycle Laura, plus i'm getting the feeling that Flopsy's October thread is going to be very lucky and last time i thought a month was going to be lucky, it was! :)

I didn't get a single thankyou from any of the lucky August ladies either - that's gratitide for you ;)
Thanks Lou - will stick by each other ey? You just save that baby dust for me (i'll be extra grateful I can assure you ;) )

Agree with the bs. Honestly, I got myself in such a state last night (not that oh knew lol). Was so wound up.

I have a feeling October is going to be a mighty good month too mrs. The witch is only out on the 31st and I'm one for keeping the curtains closed and lights down so this year it'll pay off I think! xxxx

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