Still here :-(


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Yip as title says I'm still in here. AF hit me with such a bang yesterday that the pain took legs from me. DH came home from work at lunch time with big roast dinner to find me on sofa with hot water bottle pressed firmly on tummy.

So onwards we go. Got appointment at fertility clinic next Wed so maybe something will come out of it :)
Good luck for next wednesday hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry she got you. Have some yummy food to help you feel better and hope your appointment goes well xxx
Sorry the witch got you!

Hope all goes well next Wednesday!

get your feet up, hot water bottle, blanket and cup of tea. sorry she got you.
ahh, just seen this post,
keep fighting the good fight, hopefully the clinic will have some answers for you.xxxx
Aww gutted hunny. Roll on Wednesday to get the ball going again xx
Awh hun im still here , trying since january too :roll: .. Sorry the witch got you! I wish she'd make her way to me, 8 weeks since last AF xx
Awh hun im still here , trying since january too :roll: .. Sorry the witch got you! I wish she'd make her way to me, 8 weeks since last AF xx

Sorry you're missing AF at min hun. Have your cycles always been irregular? xx
yeah they used to be every 46 days but that was normal for me i fell pregnant within 4 months but lodt my little boy last october he was stillborn.. But since febuary they have been 60- 75 days :roll:.. xx

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