still having trouble :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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well im supposed to be relactating, but my supply has gone down again, i know why, cassi isnt feeding from me properly (i have to use nipple shields so i know its not nipple confusion) she WILL NOT stay on, she has a few sucks then comes off and latches and does the same, this can go on for an hour if i let it. in the mean time she is getting so frustrated that i end up giving her the bottle before my allotted time for feeding is up because she is so manic that she is thrashing her arms and legs around.

im not sure what to do, i really dont want to give up but at the moment im restricted to only feeding at home because im not confident enough to know that she will feed without making it difficult for me and her.

i have to feed her every 3 hours except at night because she will happily go 7 hours between feeds and when i didnt know if that was normal or not she lost weight. im so close to giving up with the breast feeding and just going to formula full time like before, but i know that will just make me feel even worse, i feel bad enough that i cant do it properly.

has anyone got any ideas about what i can do to get her to feed properly without getting really stressed out. i have enough milk there to feed her but im sure its getting less with the less she feeds.
How is her weight gain??

If it's Ok or at least steady I would say hang in there, As LO gets older the latch and suck will become more eficient and they will learn to take more milk quicker and easier. This may just be a 'fussing' stage that should pass.

With regards to not allowing your suply to drop you could have a go at expressing between feeds (ie, when you feel LO has missed a feed) to keep it up.

Make sure the HV's around you give you support with the breastfeeding too if you can, they can advise you if LO is gaining enough weight.

It sounds like you are doing a FAB job, it really does. :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
its been 4 feeds in a row and shes not taken anything for any feed, shes either fallen asleep or just cried until i give her the bottle

i havent weighed her for a week (got doctors on friday) but she had gained weight, but that was with every 3 hours waking her up to feed etc.

i feel like i need to give up, this isnt helping my PND :(
The fact she'd gained weight is great, Well done you!

I know its hard, I remember he fussing stage, have you thought about bottle feeding EBM??

If it gets to much though and you have to give up as its stressing you out, then so be it, LO needs his mummy to be happy too so if that means bottle feeding then thats the best for you both. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
it takes me all day nearly to get one bottle off thats what i was doing before but my supply dropped and i couldnt come to terms with the fact i might have to not give her my milk so i tried BFing again, and now shes being fussy, i dont know whether to perservere or not?

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