Not feeding enough...

Thanks for the replies.

Her weight gain has been slow generally. I would like to wait out another week bit that 's where I was last week... We said we'd give it another week and then intervene I.e introduce formula.

I don't think she can be getting 5oz at each feed - when I express, the most I've ever got out of one full boob is about 3oz.

She pooed last night - the first time in 1 week!
Expressing is never a good indication of what she's getting...when I used to try and express in the evenings when I was feeding Sam I'd get 1-2oz at the most. Mornings I'd easily get 7oz. Babies are far more efficient at getting milk out than pumps though - the fact that you still have enough to express when you've been feeding her all day is a good sign that you've got lots (and I didn't mean that she should be getting 5oz at each feed - I honestly wouldn't have a clue! I just picked a number to illustrate my point about changes in weight throughout the day).

Hope the next week goes well for you :hug: x

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