Still bleeding two weeks on


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Hey Girls
I had my miscarriage on March 11th and I'm still bleeding.

Had a blood test once they had done an internal scan to check if there wasn't a
baby and these proved low enough that I didn't have to go back.

I wouldn't say that I'm bleeding a lot (not like a heavy period) but its more than just spotting. Spoke to my doctor and she said that it might just be how my body deals with pregnancy and to leave it until monday to go back. So I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

It was lessening yesterday but me and hubby had sex again last night and how its come back again.

I'm also worried that we've had sex too early and now I've caused myself an infection or something.

Anyone got any advice?
Im sure your ok. I had a m/c on 18th Feb and spotted after sex. Also bled every 2 weeks. I think its all normal and your body sorting itself out. If your worried though just keep going to the docs.
hi chick.....i had a mc on 4th march and although i did only bleed heavy on the night it happened, i did kind of spot for a few days after........i was 'lucky' in that i lost the pregnancy in one go and so my womb emptied quick and didnt need to keep bleeding to ensure everything came away.....but i have read about it and you can bleed up to 2 weeks....did you have a follow up scan to check it was all coming away okay? i had a scan to confirm mc and then one a week later to check how things were progressing

sorry for your loss.....also, how many weeks were you, as that could affect the amount of bleeding too?xx
When I had my scan the nurse said that there was no gestation sac and not much lining at the bottom of my cervix, and there was a little bit of lining around the top but she didn't seem too bothered about it not coming away. When they rang me to tell me that my HcG levels were low enough and that I didn't need another blood test they said that they were "discharging" me from their books.

I was 5-6 weeks pregnant so I thought that most of the lining etc wouldn't have been that thick/ not a lot of it.

I'm thinking that I've probably irritated my cervix again last night cos of having sex with my hubby.

Think I might have to go back to my doctors on monday to see if there is anything that I can do to hurry the bleeding along cos its a constant reminder.

Thanks for the reponses girls - much appreciated! :)
Yeah get youself checked out to put your mind at rest! Sorry for your loss too honey!
Hey girls,
Just an update. I'm still sort of bleeding (though its much lighter) I'm still getting the odd cramping, I've been to my doctors whos taken a swab on tuesday and I get the results on friday afternoon to see whether I have an infection or not. She also is testing my blood to check I'm not anaemic and to see what blood group i am in case I need the Rhesus neg jab. My doc said that shes not really surprised about me still bleeding three weeks on because I've had a natural miscarriage and my body is dealing with it in its own way/time. Just thought I'd post in case I can put someones mind at rest cos with the length of bleeding.

Hope you all are ok!
I was bleeding for over 2 weeks after my MC if its carries much i would tell your doctor x
I was the same hun, bled for about 2-3 weeks had sex with OH and I started bleeding again, it's extremly normal, I did not have an infection and I doubt you have either just all these things do go through your mind I know that x
I've officially been bleeding since March 7th (lost baby on march 11th) and its just not giving up.
Had swabs and blood test results today and apparently there is no infection and my bloods are normal so no anaemia. Why am I still bleeding? i'm so fed up of nothing returning to normal. Its totally depressing the hell out of me seeing it all the time. I'm so tired all the time that i'm struggling to stay awake.

Sorry for the rant but I still feel like I've got no answers.
Im sorry honey, I can imagine how you are feeling. Although the tests coming back ok is a good thing. You have a right to feel down and annoyed so dont apologise for it.

I had my m/c on 18th Feb ( over 6 weeks ago) and up till last week I was still spotting when we bd. FX thats stopped now. I had a natural mc too and I think that maybe as there was not procedure then it is going to take time to get back to normal. Ive been angry, upset and all sorts of other emotions as I just want to be back into a cycle so I know when Im actually ov. Its not easy but guess we need to wait till our body sorts itself out so we can be at optinum health for our next sticky beans.

XBig hugsx
Im sorry honey, I can imagine how you are feeling. Although the tests coming back ok is a good thing. You have a right to feel down and annoyed so dont apologise for it.

I had my m/c on 18th Feb ( over 6 weeks ago) and up till last week I was still spotting when we bd. FX thats stopped now. I had a natural mc too and I think that maybe as there was not procedure then it is going to take time to get back to normal. Ive been angry, upset and all sorts of other emotions as I just want to be back into a cycle so I know when Im actually ov. Its not easy but guess we need to wait till our body sorts itself out so we can be at optinum health for our next sticky beans.

XBig hugsx

Thanks so much for this post. Its really helped to know that I'm not alone in this. Im still having bad and good days about the whole thing, its the extreme fatigue thats really getting me down at the min but I've just been reading and it could be a form of body wants to sleep cos you dont feel when youre in the land of nod. I think if I start to exercise it might release some of those happy endorphins (and get me on the road to being thin) maybe it'll focus my mind on something to and I wont be thinking about my loss....sorry for the ramble - I'm feeling a bit better having written it down!

Heres to our next extremely sticky beans! :D
Defintly a good idea to exercise! Makes me feel better too. Getting up and out and about seems to kick start the good moods. One day at a time!
Really sorry for your loss , I had a MMC last year on the same date March 11th at 11 plus 5 weeks, I lightly bled for a good few weeks to be honest , even after having a D&C to sort it all out, so hang in there, I'm glad your not amenic and don't have infections so just think more time to get your body back on track hun XX
Hi there, I know your original post was a while ago now but I was wondering how long it took your body to get back to "normal" and for the bleeding & spotting to stop?

I had a natural mc 2 weeks ago and still getting brown-ish discharge. Like other people said before, its just a constant reminder of what we've lost & we haven't had sex yet. Just want this all to be over with so we can start again
Hey Hun, just wanted to say so sorry for ur loss :hugs: I had a natural mc 7 weeks 2 days ago, and today is the first day where I have had no bleeding, spotting or brown discharge. We haven't been able to get back ttc either and it's so frustrating xx
Hi there, thanks for replying, sorry for your loss too. The hospital were very good and said for me to ring if I had any problems or questions but I feel bad for bothering them & think they have better things to do!

I had a scan on 3rd June & was told that the baby hadn't grown, should have been 8 weeks. Had the scan at a city medical practice as hospital couldn't fit me in before we went on holiday on 4th. I wasn't given any options & was told to wait for it all to pass naturally by my Dr, no follow up appointments or anything.

Thought I passed the sac 3 weeks later & that was it, then 2 weeks ago started bleeding badly & had to go to hospital, lost a cpl of units of blood & they removed some remaining tissue etc, lots of clotting. Was signed off work for 2 weeks, going back on Mon, a little apprehensive!
I hope u get on ok at the docs today, and I hope this bleeding has stopped now for u. I am more scared now that I can ttc again! It means it is all over for good now, no longer pregnant, no longer having a mc, just nothing! Beginning to doubt I even was pregnant in the first place!

I also have a constant reminder of how far along I should be (20weeks) as a girl I work with is due the day after I should have been! I try and be happy about it for her but it does suck!

Sorry for rambling on, just feeling rather down today. Xx

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