Still bleeding after erpc?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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Hi all,

I had my erpc 12 days ago. At first I just had very little spotting but last week it picked up and has been like normal AF in flow. I don't know if this is normal or if I should be concerned, I am not in pain or anything and have been given antibiotics for infection already so I know I don't have an infection. It just seems that everyone else had a few days of spotting and that's it. I just want it to be over now, its getting on my nerves x
Hi lisey after my first Erpc I bled on and off for roughly 4 weeks and had a couple of days no bleeding and then my proper af arrived I remember it well cos I went to Corfu 10 days after my Erpc n I was bleeding on and off the whole holiday and my proper af arrived on the journey home :-/ , if there is no pain or real heavy bleeding then its normal although a pain in the arse xx
Thanks jojo, glad its normal, but very true, its a massive pain :( x
Fingers crossed it buggers off a y day fr ya I would be doing some opks if ur planning ttc right away cos although ur bleeding ovulation can still accure :) xx
I was wondering if still able to ovulate, my preg tests are ever so slightly positive still. We are not going to be ttc til after my laparoscopy now, so a few months yet. Still going to track my cycles though, its a habit now x
Hi lisey, so sorry to hear of your loss. I very rarely come on here now but just wanted to offer my experience. After my erpc my bleeding was minimal to start with and then picked up and bled in total for 15/16 days. I ov'ed straight after my bleeding stopped, had a bang on 28 day cycle. Hope ur not bleeding too long xx
Thanks kanga, hope you're well? I hope its all done soon, just want to move on from it all as best I can x
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