staying in hosp after?

2 Nights out of choice.

I started breast feeding but had to change to bottle feeding.

I had DS on the Friday morning at 9am and was offered to go home on the Saturday Afternoon, but I wanted to stay another night as I was still suffering from PGP, so I went home on the Sunday afternoon.
i had a home birth so wasnt there anyway but i WAS BFing and the MWs ensured millie could latch on properly but left my house within a couple of hours so its not like i got 3 days worth of BF help! altho my mum helped lots and visited every day which was very useful as i really didnt kno what i was doing at first.
Ella was born at 2.02am and we were home by 10am that morning. Nobody saw her breastfeed and no help was offered with latching, I was told to 'relax' when I said I didn't think she was feeding properly :shakehead: They let DH stay in a private room with me from the birth onwards which was nice :)

And with Alex he was born at home, they wanted us to transfter to hospital as he was nearly 4 weeks early but I refused. He was a good weight (6lb 1oz) and healthy, feeding was fine and I felt that hospital intervention would do no good at all.
I stayed in overnight with callum, He was grunting and they then went to to detect a sound on his heart so they had to run some tests on him.
I could have gone home after just 6 hours, but decided to stay in for my own benefit as I wanted help to get breastfeeding established and also wanted a good sleep before going home!! Stayed in 3 days altogether until I was totally comfortable that my son was latching on correctly. Hope to stay just the one night this time if everything goes well, just so I can get some rest before going home to 2 kids instead of 1!! :shock: :D
1st pregnancy I stayed in a day and a half
2nd pregnancy I stayed in around 15 hours

Both times I was breastfeeding
3 days :rotfl: I was the only one in the midwife based unit so got to stay as long as I wanted :rotfl:
I had Ella at 7.15 pm and was able to leave the following morning as soon as I had been for a wee! (I had an epidural and catheter) My husband insisted that I went to the birth centre for at least a night, to try to get feeding established, which I did and they were great, I buzzed them everytime she needed feeding through the night and they cam to help me. (I then gave up the next day though!)

I always said that I would want to go straight home and with hindsight I still wish I had, as I was really down for the first couple of days.
5 days (normal here) then home for 1 and then back for 7 days :( got sick.

If you have a water birth then you can't stay in there if you have an epidural, like Mary said.

HOpe it all goes to plan. :hug:
I was in 36ish hours before due to prom and 6 days after as Dan (prem) needed antibiotics, he had low blood sugar and was jaundice. I HATED being there and couldn't wait to go home. I felt totaly alone esp in the night when its just you and the baby, whereas if I was at home I would have had OH to help. can leave when you want though. There was a girl on my ward who discharged herself hours after having a c-section because the nurses wouldn't wheel her down for a fag :shock: :shock:
Despite various Dr's advising her not to go home, she still went.
Willow was born 6:51 am wed and i was allowed home friday at about 3 ish but i did have a c sec so had to stay in for 3 days.

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