Starting to take the piss!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Like seriously ladies...I was up last night SIX times for a pee, three the other night, and TEN the night before!

It's driving me bloody insane! :wall2:Am sooooo tired. All I do is pee! I have to go when I feel the urge cos if it builds up, then I can't walk properly (due to baby being engaged I assume) and then I leak! Ewww!

All I want is a good nights :nap: x
Me too, my body normally times them about 2 hours between each pee gap! It's sooo draining xx

I'm constantly up to pee too! I've been trying not to drink alot before I go to bed but doesn't help that I'm always thirsty lol x
Body decided an hour gaps between peeing would be appropriate last night. Fab! Not! And tmi but I keep going numbers 2s I wonder if it's a sign?! X

Body decided an hour gaps between peeing would be appropriate last night. Fab! Not! And tmi but I keep going numbers 2s I wonder if it's a sign?! X

Oh crap hun (excuse the pun :lol: ) but I keep doing number 2s aswell. Can't figure out if I'm just not getting it all out in one go like the peeing or if its more constant! Eww I know!

TMI but I'm a regular number 2-er :lol: and pre-pregnancy, would go regularly once a day, but its maybe between 2-4 times now! x

Glad to know that I'm not the only one with uninterrupted sleep! Not that I'd wish it on anyone mind! x
While you two are on the subject of numbers 2's :lol: can I ask a wee question?

Last time I went for a 'full' number 2 was 11 days ago(I only remember cause I had MW that day:lol:) on Wednesday just past I felt like I needed to go but only a teeny weeny bit came out! (Sorry tmi :blush:)

Is that normal?? I kinda thought it was maybe just because baby was lying there and in the way, but I suppose that would make you go more?

While you two are on the subject of numbers 2's :lol: can I ask a wee question?

Last time I went for a 'full' number 2 was 11 days ago(I only remember cause I had MW that day:lol:) on Wednesday just past I felt like I needed to go but only a teeny weeny bit came out! (Sorry tmi :blush:)

Is that normal?? I kinda thought it was maybe just because baby was lying there and in the way, but I suppose that would make you go more?


Oooh hun...I personally wouldn't think that was normal. You may be constipated? Are you taking iron tablets still? Are you eating enough fibre? I would defo get checked out...x

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