started packing my hospital bag :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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i was feeling like i needed to do something this weekend so i thought i'll start packing my hospital bag and sorting out what i actually need so in my bag atm i have got

2 nighties
my slippers
my new dressing gown
maternity pads
and my toiletries bag (with all travel size shower gel and toothpaste ect)
hair bobbles and hair brush
nipple pads
nipple cream
pre- made milk
clothes to come home in

and in harrys bag

3 babygrows
3 vests
smallish pack of nappies (27 approx)
2 pairs of socks
2 hats
cotton wool
baby lotion
burp cloths
harry's teddy
his winnie the pooh coat to come home in
4 bibs
2 stratch mittens

i'm debating whether to take my own towels and stuff as SIL said they provide you with towels at the hospital for you and baby, did wanna buy the cow and gate starter kit in case i cant BF but then if i can then it's wasting £15 that i'm never going to use

what do you girls think
I have bottles, steriliser and ready made milk although I'm planning in bf. I wanted it there just in case ether of us get stressed bf and he is hungry an I can't feed him or some reason. Would rather buy it and never need it than not have it when I do! U can always sell it on xx
that is very true i thinkif i dont use it asda can give me my money back, but i dont want to just give him a bottle straight away because my SIL did that and olivia wouldnt breast feed because she was used to a bottle.
I've got a few bits and bobs for baby, nail clippers, nappies, bottles and a few cartons of milk just in case, some nipple cream, breast pads, maternity pads. Also transferred my make-up from a giant bag to a small grab back. Very important.

My biggest challenge is having clothes clean for me as there's only a few things that fit. But I think if I go into labour naturally I'll just wash some while I'm waiting to go to the hospital, don't wanna go til the last minute. Worst case scenario I have to wear a hospital gown so I'm not too worried.
Funny you should mention that Cow & gate starter pack. We saw that in mothercare today and picked it up as thought it was a fab idea for hospital and just incase can't breastfeed. Your list looks pretty good to me.

Don't forget some munchies and maybe ipod or something? x
Phone charger, camera?

Apart from that, your list looks pretty similar to the one I made last night!
I have next to nothing in my bag compared to your list lol, must go re pack mine now! x
Bloody hell!! Only a week behind you and haven't even thought about it yet!!! Going to ask baby if it can stay in there til Aug so I can get more organised...
I have most bits for my bag now. Just need to buy the actual bag (!!), nighties, water spray bottle and change for car park. then I can get on packing it all. It's all in carrier bags so if I have to soon I can grab the carrier bags! Lol!
Very organised!

I haven't even thought about it yet tbh... Lol
Eeek, beginning to think I've found too many babygrows out for mine, I've packed 5, well sorted 5 ready to pack!
Waiting for OH to go into the loft and get the tiny suitcase out. x
i was told i haveto take my own towels, and as dark a colour as i have due to bleedingso
much but told not to bring milk as they provide that in hospital ,

so exciting to be packing must do mine soon
My mw told me completly the opposite! Everything is kinda in a pile in my babys rooms atm because I've sorted everything out just haven't put it in the bag,
ive got 2 sets of pj's, one with pants and a nightie. a black towel, an extra blanket for baby, breast pads n nipple cream, underwear, leggings and a top to leave in and toothpaste, toothbrus, brush, bobbles, toiletries. gonna buy some milk closer to the time and sterilise the bottle when in waiting to go in as they only stay sterile for 24hrs.
i have also packed some snacks and flip flops for the shower room x
Eeek, beginning to think I've found too many babygrows out for mine, I've packed 5, well sorted 5 ready to pack!
Waiting for OH to go into the loft and get the tiny suitcase out. x
IV packed 5 sleep suits and 6 vests I was going to ytake 3 of each but my friend said she went through 7 sleep suits and then had to borrow off the hospital because she had a really sicky baby xxx
I don't want to have to borrow from hospital, just want bambino in his own clothes, and don't particulary want to stay in. Guess i'm hoping lots.x

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