start of IVF?


Active Member
Jun 21, 2007
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have finally decided to bite the bullet and go for IVF following unsuccesful IUI in JUly and TTC'ing for what feels like forever.
I have a couple of questions and not sure if anyone can help?
Clinic said I needed to take the pill for 21 days then start the nasal spray down regulation ready for a baseline assessment on 22nd January. which means 21 days pill and about 34 days on the nasal spray.
Day one was Saturday but bleed was so scant and not like a normal period but I called it day one and started the pill. No bleeding on Sunday, did pregnancy test and was negative however it was old test I had lost the instructions and I didn't have a lot of wee! Was negative.
Called the clinic today to tell them about this and that Saturday was Day One.
I still don;t understand why I need to be on the pill for 3 weeks as cycles have always been regular and I have history of migraines and pill has made me feel very down in past but they have not asked about this and I was told about the pill on phone via a nurse. I understood that you took the nasal spray for about 3 weeks from day 3. why the pill? :(
IN fact, not even explaining myself well here as so miserable and confused! Sorry!
Hi hun :hug:
I haven't got a clue but wanted to send you a :hug: anyway.
Have you tried posting this on these threads?
They might be able to help more.
Let us know whats going on though xx
thanx! have copied it over to that section, really appreciated that!
Hi Hun
I am going through icsi/ivf at the moment and you can follow my diary which is in ttc subform
I never had to take the pill i have had to take injections 1 day of buserelin which is to down reg me
put me through a early menopause and give me a thin womb lining and shut my ovarys down
I am on thesa injections for 3wks i have my base line scan tomorrow so :pray: i have responded
to the drugs if tomorrow is all well then i will be given another drug done by injection
called menopur which is to get my ovarys going again and make lots of eggs i will be on this drug
for 10 days then go for another scan to see if i responded to that drug and how many follicel i have

I will be on 2 injections a day for 10 days as i will still have to take the buserelin injections
Then in 10days if all is well i will be given a hcg which is a pregnancy hormone to make the eggs
mature and get them ready to ovulate then 36hrs after that injections i will be in for egg collection
then the nurse should phone me the day after and tell me the out come and i will be in for egg transfare
then take the supposs things up my vagina 2 a day to keep the lining thick there yuky things

This is my 2nd icsi/ivf my 1st failed :( so i am hoping for a bfp for xmas and this cycle works

I have heard others who have to take the pill and given the nasal spray so what there doing with you
is ok and cause you bled for one day then stopped thats fine they still class this as your first day
you will also have another bleed during treatment this can be very heavy or lighter than normal
and some dont go on to have that bleed but nurse said to me if i dont bleed this is not a problem
they dont give the nasal spray at our clinic because a lot ladies end up with a cold and there
blowing there nose and they dont get the right dosage ..

Feel welcome to mail me if you want to ask me anything about it or you can post in my diary
and i will respond to you from there anything just ask me hun :)
Good luck with this cycle and hope you get your BFP


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