Does the pill stay in your system?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
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Hi :) :)

I have a question about conceiving and the pill. I would like to start trying for a baby in August and I'd just like to try and find out whether being on the pill has delayed anyone getting pregnant? A nurse at the family planning clinic the other day told me that it was nonsense that the pill can delay you from getting pregnant for a while when you come off it. I had read it somewhere though?
I went there with the intention of having the cap fitted so I could stop the pill but I was talked out of it!! I am 31 and have been on the pill since I was about 19.

What does anyone think?

I have been on the pill for ten years and each time I have stopped taking it to try for a baby I have managed to conceive within 3 months of trying and this is my third pregnancy so I wouldn't worry :D :D
In the first few months after stoppping the pill you are actually more fertile apparently. Good luck TTC! x

I got pregnant while onthe pill.
But my doc had told me that you can get preg right after not taking it, and they say if you miss even one pill to use other protection for that month. good luck!!!
I came off the combined pill in Feburary 2005 and had a BFP on the 22nd March 2005!!

Like Sami said, you can get a huge surge of hormones when you stop taking it so you could be more fertile.
At the same time my Doctor at the time told me to expect to have to wait a month for every year you have been on the pill to concieve. I think that applies more if you are going to come off the pill and have the 3 normal periods they reccomend before you start TTC.

Good Luck :lol:
I conceived my daughter whilst on the pill and using a condom!! :shock:

Little bugger was determined!!!!

If you stop taking any contraception you can get pregnant, the only thing with the pill is, some womens bodies take a little time to 'get back to normal' and get itself back into a regular pattern (periods) so some women may find it harder to conceive straight away especially if they are only having sex around the time they think they are ovulating. If you're having sex regularly you've still got the same chances, if you know what i mean.

Good luck trying.
i was on the pill for 3 yrs thn had 2 come off coz of cramps and i didnt have it for 2 yrs and never used nething else and it took 2 yrs 2 get out of my system :shock:
When I came off the pill I didn't have a period for 6 months but my friend came off and never had a period because she became pregnant!! It probably varies from woman to woman but if you are worried come off earlier and use other contraceptives until you are ready to ttc.

Good luck!
Hi huns, :D

I came of the pill in Jan and have been trying for two months.

Still no success, but it definately varies from woman to woman. I am having periods and they started again straight away, but my cycles are quite long, about 33 days when before I went on it they were about 28 days. Thats no big prob, just have to wait longer to POAS!! :wall:

Like Skatty says, if your worried come off the pill a few months before August and use a condom for a couple months. That way you can see what your cycles are like when stopping, getting you prepared for knowing when your fertile times will be when you try.

Good luck to you, im hoping for me it will be 3rd time lucky this month!!


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