Staff shortages


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I was supposed to see my mw for first time today. I saw a community mw for booking in due to the staff at my gp surgery messing up and not making my appointment properly causing loads of problems for me. The upshot being that the booking in appointment took place in my house eventually and the mw was lovely. Anyway long story short I was just going to set off for my appointment today when the post was delivered. I opened my letter and lo and behold it was from my surgery cancelling today's appointment. Now I'm very very emotional at the minute and I can't help but wonder what if I'd decided to walk to the surgery instead of bus it and had missed the post. I then got very upset and cross. I know I'm being silly but IMHO this is unacceptable. Grrrrr. Ok rant over. And one good thing-a mw will be coming to see me at home on wed! Lol
thats not so good helen id ask to be treated thru the antenatal clinic rather than drs as they just seem to be messing you around at a time when you dont need it xx
i agree with serenitylove, ask to be treated via antenatel clinic, i get treated through that, it's at my hospital which is a little drive away but you get treated so much better and there's always someone at hand even if it werent a mw. but good about mw coming to see you on weds at home! if they cancel you wont be stranded at the bus stop then! hehe. but i can totally understand why you'd be upset and cross it's not on!!! i get stressed just when they treat me bad because i worry over nothing, like i know i may be like a moany fishwife but it's my first baby what do they expect me to be like! hope you feel better now hun anyway xxx

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