Spreading the news


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I was absolutely determined not to say anything to anyone about being pregnant until my scan but I was very up and down emotionally yesterday and ended up phoning my mum to tell her. I was worried what her reaction would be but I needent of worried, she's thrilled! Immediatly started talking about baby names and how excited she is to be a nana again! Yay! Just hope I haven't jinxed it!
Awww :) Sometimes we need to tell people so it seems more real :hug:
iv gone the opposite way and told everyone i ever met already i just got too excited and couldnt hold it in

I too told myself that I would not tell anybody untill I'd had my 12 week scan, I told my sister and close friend weeks ago!

Today I had a hair dressing appointment and I told a women having her hair washed next to me. She was talking to me about how I would suit a dress in a magazine she was reading, with 'my figure' and I just blurted out, 'not for long im having a baby'!! lol, low and behold then the whole hairdressers were talking about it!

But it felt good! Every one was happy, saying congratulations asking me lots of questions and it has certainly lifted my spirits, that and the hair cut :) after the last week being slightly depressed! Cant wait now to tell everyone and to start showing for real!!!!

Lots of happiness to you all! x
I didn't really have a choice in telling people. My friend from work came with me to take the test, and then she was with me when I told my mum. Then my mum told my brother.
I told a few of my close friends, and my boss, because my work could potentially be dangerous for the baby. But then my supervisor went and told everyone at work. So yeah... then I thought, I might aswell share it with everyone else then.
So now everyone knows.
Ahh , and telling your mum is the best bit isn't it , you watch she will be sneeking to window shop in mothercare in no time at all , while your not looking!
We've told my parents and my sisters, told OH's mum & stepdad & a some close friends & my boss :lol: Gonna tell rest of family this weekend once we've had scan, paying privately for early one :) Waited for this so long, can't wait to tell the world!! x x
well im 12 wks today and just told my 2nd person, ive got my scan next week but o/h shifts been changed so he wont be here when i have my scan, he was going to sit with he kids in the waiting room wile i went in so he was there coz we didnt think they would be too happy with two children in the scan room. So today i was in a mess cos nobody knows but now i had nobody to have the kids for me so i give my cousin a call askd if she could have the kids for an hour for me next wk then i told her i was pregnant think she was a little shocked i was 12 weeks and hadnt told anybody not ven my mum xxx
I think I might have to tell some people sooner than I want...got a couple parties that I've been invited too over the next couple of weeks, I can kinda get out of one but not the other... Hope they can keep it quiet but not optimistic! Was actually thinking of telling my mother on mothers day in a card, might write from josh, Dom and grandchid number 3 due 21st October...she'll be estatic as baby is due 3 days before her birthday!
Yodabo you could use the excuse of 'on antibiotics' for the parties and not drinking?
It was so wonderful telling my mum because she was so supportive and happy! Not told OH parents yet as he's willing to wait until scan!
Lanny blimey youv'e done really well lasting this
Yodabo, thats a great idea in the mothersday card!, (why didn't I think of that and wait!)
Helen, Antibiotics excuse would never be found out, people are always saying that, great one
Well, I told my best friend soon after I found out and my sister soon after that. I tried to tell my Mum over the phone but couldn't do it. I would love to be able to tell her in person but I won't see her until July! My plan was to send her a Mother's Day card from us plus 'something' (not thought what to call it yet ;) ) I'm visiting my Dad at Easter but OH parents won't find out until they visit in May (his choice). My scan is in 2 weeks, I'm not sure when I should tell work as I have just been promoted but pay reviews aren't due until April, just worried them knowing might affect it (I don't think they won't give me a pay rise but may affect their judgement...?)
Oh yeah, my due date is my Mum's birthday which I'm sure she'll love.
Not sure the antibiotics thing would work, they know me too well and would expect me to skip them for one night and have a piss up lol perhaps Ill just pull a sicky or something, I'll figure something out!
Lol! How about pain killers? Would they believe that? It's a shame to miss something like a party! Lol. When I told my mum she said 'when you come down (they live in north west, I'm in north east at min) well get a bottle of wine!' I let silence take over until it sank in what she'd said! Lol.
Haha bless them, they dont think do they! Na, I'd rather skip the party, it's going to be a major night out in Swansea of all places so I don't want to be in the clubs and that! Goingto be tricky cos when they asked me I didn't know what to say and said yes, just so I wouldn't give it away. It's either tell them or pull a sicky...I'll let hubs decide, it's his sister after all!
Ah I see! Well I don't blame you for wanting to skip it!
Well i should be telling everyone but we've still not my in laws yet!! there not gonna be happy as this is are 4th and we're not really in the right situation but we're happy!
As long as you're happy then that's what counts. Not sure there's ever the 'perfect' situation to have a baby but as ling as it's loved and looked after that's what counts!
well done anyone who lasts the 12 weeks without telling the world lol

I think my secret is out, as I had a post-it note with the midwife's number on it, and one of the girls from the creche came into the office - i didnt notice the note but i think she did.

Then today, someone asked me if I was planning any more AAARRRGGGHHHHH i didnt know what to say, so said something utterly stupid like "that's a bit of a funny one at the moment"

I mean, what a dohnut eh?

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