

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Well a couple of hours ago was then about to go out with OH to visit friends and their week old baby when I nipped to the loo, when I wiped had a tiny tiny amount of blood on the tissue. Thing is I wouldn't say it was pink and it wasn't really red, more orangy in colour which is bizarre. Freaked out a bit but OH said it didn't look like much so I really shouldn't worry myself. So off we went to our friends and it was so difficult to be round there holding their newborn baby all the while thinking "I'm not sure if this will ever be me" have had a few cramps lately but I had just put it down to stretching pains, hoping and praying the cramps aren't the start of something else. Touch wood have had no more spotting since, find myself going to the loo to check constantly!

Not sure what to do, OH thinks I should wait it out and see if I get anymore, after all my reassurance scan is booked for Sunday. I said to him though if I get anymore between now and then I'm calling the EPU right away, I don't want to leave things and have history repeat itself x x x
I've had exactly the same as you Hun, you have my sympathies, I know how stressful it is.

We just have to stay positive, if you have a scan booked soon then hopefully you can be reassured then that everything is ok xx
Stay positive hunny, it wasnt red which is a great sign. Keep an eye on things but if you do get worried definetly call the epu for piece of mind. Massive :hugs: x x
Yeah I would say that orangey blood is closer to brown, meaning old blood so fingers crossed. Really hope you don't see any more and scan goes well next week xx
Hey hun hope ur ok. Sounds like could be a one off. Not long till ur scan, and as u say if anything else happens call the epu straight away. A lot of ladies seem to have 'something' going on down there that's not the usual, which makes us worry when infact its probably all normal and natural xx
Hey bella, hope you are ok hun, as the girls said as long as you are not in a lot of pain and blood isn't red I'm sure it will be ok but if it gets worse then contact epu, bet you got a fright, only a few more days till scan, sending you big hugs.x xx
Hi Bella, can't really add anymore than the other ladies have said but just wanted to send you some ((((hugs)))) and hope you can relax a little until your scan xxx
thinking of you bella, agree with the other ladies! try and rest up and if you are really worried ring EPU they might bring your scan foward!
Thank you for your kind responses girls, just had to come on and update you all....

well this morning before work I had another tiny amount of blood on the tissue when wiping so tried contacting the EPU but the phone just kept ringing and ringing and they wouldn't pick up. In the end OH took me down there and we managed to see a really nice nurse who remembered me from my MMC last time. Had a scan and there it was - a teeny little bean with a heartbeat flashing away! :) Sonographer explained that I might have a low lying placenta which could have been the cause for the bleed, placenta was still very tiny though so was difficult to tell - she said they would know more when I go for my 12 week scan. Feel so relieved, had to go in the same sonography room I went in last time when I got bad news, OH said he felt sick just going in there from the bad memories. I couldn't even bring myself to look at the screen at first but was glad when I did. They've put me at 7 weeks + 2 so 2 days ahead of what I thought I was x x x
aww thats great bella! so pleased for you! xx
Pleased for you, must be a weight off your mind x
Oooh hunny, im so pleased for you, reading this i had a lump in my throat :) i just wanted to shout yipeee across the office but i restrained myself x x

Really pleased to read this! Xx

It must be a massive weight off your mind x
oh bella, thats lovely news.......after all i have been through it makes me smile that your little bean was there all safe and snug... :) gives me hope for next time

take care xxx
thanks ladies - relief is not the word! M2A - your reply made me giggle - your office would have thought you were mad lol! Aww Sam's girl that's really sweet I hope you're okay hon and I have every faith you'll be back here in tri 1 before you know it x x
yeah im okay hon....looking to the future

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